1. Which of the following information is not correct about the internal nose?

Answer is D)
the mucous increase humidity.

2. There are functions of the sinuses, except?

Answer is D)

3. Which sinuses are not paranasal sinuses?

Answer is B)
paranasal sinus- frontal sinus, spheroid sinus, ethmoid sinus, maxillary sinus

4. Anatomically, the pharynx has 3 subdivision, except?

Answer is C)

5. Which of the following is correct information about laryngopharynx?

Answer is A)
in the anterior side, it ends to the larynx and trachea(air). In the posterior side, it ends to the esophagus(food).

6. Where is located cricothyroid ligament which is safe place to create a hole in emergency?

Answer is D)
this procedure called cricothyroidotomy.

7. It is a large leaf shaped cartilage in the internal part of the larynx. The base of this cartilage is attached to the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone and the superior part of it is free to move up and down like a trap door. During swallowing, this cartilage closes the larynx and provides a 1 way passage to the esophagus.

Answer is B)

8. The movements of the tracheal Celia are_______ to the pharynx and the movement of nasal cavity cilia is _______ to the pharynx.

Answer is B)

9. Trachea begins from the inferior border of the larynx and finishes at the ______ , between _______ .

Answer is A)

10. Each lung is covered by a layered membrane called the ________ .

Answer is D)

11. Where does inject a needle to take a sample of pleural fluid?

Answer is C)
the lung, inferioly, are extended down to the 6th intercostal space, whereas the varietal pleural covers all the internal surface of thoracic cage, so it extends down to the 10th coastal cartilage.

12. Which one is not true about the surfactant in the lung?

Answer is B)
reduces the tendency of the alveoli to collapse

13._______ is the exchange of gases between the lungs and blood. This occurs inside the alveolus.

    Answer is B)
    pulmonary ventilation is mechanical flow of air into and out of lung. Internal ventilation is gas change between blood and tissue. It occurs in all cell of the body.

    14. Which of the following is not correct information about the relaxed inhalation?

    Answer is C)
    Contraction of the diaphragm is responsible for about 75% air that enters the lung, whereas the intercostals are responsible for about 25% of the air.

    15. Which of the following muscle does not involve in forced inhalation?

    Answer is B)

    16. Which of the following muscle is involved in force expiration?

    Answer is D)

    17. Which respiration is a passive process?

    Answer is B)

    18. _______ is an increase in the breathing rate.

    Answer is B)

    19. _______ is shallow breathing.

    Answer is C)

    20. ________ is absence of breathing.

    Answer is D)

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3 years ago

Jade~~ it is very helpful to prepare for the test. Than you so~~~much^^