1. Hip flexion extension, which plane?

Answer is C)
Sagittal : flexion and extension.

2. The distal attachement of Pettiness is on the pectineal line, just ________ to the _______ trochanter of the femur.

Answer is B)

3. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Psoas major?

Answer is D)
it attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur

4. The distal femur articulates with the proximal _________ to form the knee joint.

Answer is D)

5. It is called “sits bones”. It serves as an attachment site for the hamstrings, abductor Magnus, and the sacrotuberous ligament. What is it?

Answer is C)

6. Where on the femur is the greater trochanter located?

Answer is A)

7. Where can you find the Anterior Superior Iliac Supine?

Answer is A)

8. TWhere is located the sacrum?

Answer is B)

9. Which muscle is not involved to flex of the hip joint?

Answer is D)
the biceps femoris is involved to extend of hip joint.

10. Which muscle is involved to extend of the hip joint?

Answer is A)

11. Which muscle does not include the Quadriceps femoris Group?

Answer is C)
quadriceps femoris group : rectum femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius

12. These are muscles of lateral rotates of the hip , except?

Answer is C)
Lateral rotators of hip : Piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus, gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris and the obturator externus.

13. The _____________ is the diamond-shaped area at the inferior aspect of the pelvis. It is framed by the pubic symphysis, the ischial tuberosity, and the coccyx,

    Answer is B)

    14. The four large quadriceps muscles primarily _________the knee.

    Answer is D)

    15. Which of the following muscle is the only quadriceps that crosses two joints-the hip and knee ?

    Answer is B)

    16. Which of the following muscle is located the lateral of the thigh?

    Answer is C)

    17. Which one is not the action of Rectus femoris?

    Answer is C)

    18. What is the insertion of Quadriceps femoris group?

    Answer is A)

    19. The ___________ are located along the posterior thigh between the vastus lateralis and adductor magnus.

    Answer is B)

    20. Which of the following muscle is not Hamstrings?

    Answer is B)