1. The _______________ group runs from the sacrum to the occiput along the posterior aspect of the vertebral column.
2. Which of the following muscle does not include the Erector spinae group?
Erector spinae group ; spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
3. What is the name of the erector spinae muscles from lateral to medial?
4. The __________ is the smallest of the three muscles and lies closest to spine in the lamina groove.
5. What is the action of the Erector spinae group?
Action of the Erector spinae group is laterally flexion of the vertebral column and extension of the vertebral column.
6. The __________is located along the thoracic and cervical vertebrae and ultimately reaches the cranium.
7. Which of the following muscles does not included the transversospinalis group?
transversopinalis group ; multifidi, rotatores, semispinalis capitis
8. Which muscles is not involved when rotate the vertebral column?
Rotation of the vertebral column; external oblique, internal oblique, multifidi, rotatores
9. The ___________ are the deepest muscles of the upper posterior neck. They are involved in stabilizing the axis and atlas and in creating intrinsic movements such as rocking and tilting of the head.
10. Which of the muscle does not include the abdomials?
Abdominals ; rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis
11. The _________ , the deepest muscle of the abdominals group, plays a major role in forced exhalation.
12. The _______ is the primary muscle of respiration and is unique i both its design and functions.
13. Which of the following statement describe incorrectly about diaphragm?
… Answer is C)
When diaphragm create inspiration when its muscle fibers contract and pull the central tendon inferiorly. Decrease the pressure of the upper thoracic cavity, then the air flows inside of the lung. When the diaphragm just simply relaxed, the diaphragm back to umbrella shape(back to the upper thoracic cavity), this will increase the pressure of the upper thoracic cavity(release the central tendon and let the lungs going up again), then let the air flows from the lungs to outside.
14. Which of the following statement is not true about intercostals?
Intercostals are divided into two groups ; the external and the internal intercostals. External intercostals assist with inhalation, whereas internal intercostals assist with exhalation.
15. Which of the following statement is true about Serratus posterior superior and Serratus posterior inferior?
The serratus posterior superior is located the upper portion of the medial border of the scapula. Action of the Serratus posterior superior is elevate the ribs during inhalation. Action of the Serratus posterior inferior is depress the ribs during exhalation.
16. The __________ is extending from the spinous processes in the cervical and lumbar regions, these short muscles help extend the spine.
17. Where is Rectus abdominis?
18. What is the name of muscle B?
19. What is the name of muscle of D?
20. What is the action of rectus abdominis?