1. What is the phagocytes of the small intestine?
2. Where does the pancreatic juice go into?
3. It is a retroperitoneal organ that is about 12-15cm long and lies posterior to the stomach. It consist of a head, neck, body and tail.
4. Bile plays a role the breakdown of large ______ molecule, and in their absorption.
bile plays a role in emulsification.
5. Which one does not comes from the endocrine cells in the pancreas?
the endocrine cells in pancreas are called Islets of Langerhans- beta cells which produce insulin, alpha cells produce glucagon, delta cells produce somatostatin.
6. Which enzymes do not exist in the pancreatic juice?
pepsinogen is in gastric juice.
7. What happens when secretin and CCK are secreted in duodenum?
secretin and CCK decrees the gastric secretions and inhibit the gastric emptying.
8. Which of the following information is correct about enterogastric reflex?
This reflex is stimulated by duodenal distension. The duodenal distension impulses to the hypothalamus to decrease parasympathetic stimulation and increase sympathetic stimulation. As a result, gastric mobility is deceased.
9. What is the role of liver in digestion?
secretion of pepsinogen-stomach, storage of bile -gallbladder, mechanical digestion of food – mouth(chewing) stomach(churning), movement of food(peristalasis, segmentation)-0stomach, intestine
10. Where is located the ascending colon?
RUQ ; ascending colon, LUQ ; descending colon, across abdomen; transverse colon
11. Which of the following structure is not large intestine?
large intestine : cecum, appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus
12. Which of the following statement is not true about large intestine?
in the mucosa layer of the large intestine, there are no villi. The villi exist in the small intestine.
13. These are role of bacteria in the large intestine, except ?
… Answer is C)
absorptive cells in the mucosa layer of the large intestine absorb water.
14. This structure increases the contact surface of the small intestine for food absorption.
absorptive cells(secret some enzymes called brush border enzymes). Goblet cells(secret mucous), endocrine cell(produce CCK, serotonin and GIP), paneth cells(phagocytes)
carbohydrates digested by amylase.
15. What is phagocytes of the small intestine?
absorptive cells(secret some enzymes called brush border enzymes). Goblet cells(secret mucous), endocrine cell(produce CCK, serotonin and GIP), paneth cells(phagocytes)
16. Which of the following enzyme does not digest the protein in the food?
carbohydrates digested by amylase.
17. Amylase secreted by the salivary glands into the oral cavity starts the digestion of _______.
18. Where does the production of bile occur?
19. Intrinsic factor is required for the intestinal absorption of __________ in the upper ileum.
20.Which of the following quadrants contains the liver?