1.The shoulder complex is made up of three bones: the clavicle, scapular, and __________ ?

Answer is C)

2. The clavicle articulates laterally with the ___________ and medially with sternum.

Answer is D)

3. ___________ is an attachment site for the deltoid and the trapezius.

Answer is B)

4. ____________ serves as an attachment site for the levator scapula muscle.

Answer is A)

5. Which of the following muscle is located the most deeper on the back?

Answer is D)

6. Which of the following muscle in not involved flexion of the shoulder?

Answer is C)
Flexion of the shoulder ; deltoid, pectoralis major, biceps brachii, coracobrachialis

7. Which of the following muscle is involved abduction of the shoulder?

Answer is A)
Abduction of the shoulder ; deltoid, supraspinatus

8. Which of the muscle is not involved lateral rotation of the shoulder?

Answer is D)
Lateral rotation of the shoulder ; deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor

9. Which of the following muscle is not involved elevation of the scapula?

Answer is C)
Elevation of the scapula ; trapezius, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, levator scapula

10. Which of the following is false statement about the deltoid?

Answer is D)
* Origin of the deltoid ; clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula *Insertion of the deltoid ; deltoid tuberosity of the humerus

11. Which of the following is false statement about the trapezius?

Answer is C)
The trapezius lies from external occipital protuberance to spinous process of T-12

12. The __________ is called “lat’s little helper” because it is a complete synergist with the latissimus dorsi.

Answer is A)

13. there are the actions of latissimus dorsi, except?

    Answer is C)

    14. Which of the following muscle is not the rotator cuff muscles?

    Answer is D)

    15. Which of the following muscle makes movement when elevate the scapula?

    Answer is D)

    16. What is the primary muscle of forearm supination?

    Answer is C)

    17. which of the following muscle is located at posterior arm?

    Answer is B)

    18. what is the insertion site of the triceps brachii?

    Answer is C)

    19. The axilla is formed by four walls. Which muscle does not include the wall?

    Answer is D)

    20. Which one does not pass through the axillary region?

    Answer is A)

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3 years ago

Your doing great I love it keep it up