- Principles of ROM
- Measuring tools : Universial Goniometer, OB goniomete, measuring tape
- Result of ROM is different depends on age and gender
- Order : Active Free –> Passive Free —–> Acteive resisted
- The most painful movements performed last.
- All testing is performed bilaterally, first on the unaffected side and then on the affected side
- Types of ROM
- Active Free ROM
- Client moves the joint through the cardinal plnaes of motion
- The test assess what the client is willing or able to do
- AF ROM gives only functional information about the client’s willingness to move the body part
- If the client has pain : the problems could be from muscle, tendon, fascia, joint, bone, ligament, capsule or nerve
- Passive relaxed ROM
- Therapist moves the joint passively through the cardinal planes of motion
- The test assesses whether there is limitation(hypomobility) or excess(hypermobility) or range
- Client fully relax the muscles while the tests are performed
- PR ROM gives information about the joint capsule and ligaments
- PR ROM will be slightly greater than AF ROM
- If the client has pain: the problems could be from bone, ligament or capsule, but you can not rule out muslcem tendon or fascial problem
- Active resisted ROM
- Client’s movement against gravity or therpist’s against force are performed on the vertical plane.Isometric resistance AR ROM assesses contractile tissue for pain or weakness with muscle, tendon or peripheral nerve injury
- If the client has pain: the problems could be musclular(muscle, tendon) problem, but you can not rule out joint structure problem either.
- If this test is negative, it rules out a muscular source of pain
- Active Free ROM
- End feel : https://healthworkstudy.com/end-feel/
- Shoulder complex
- GH joint
- flexion/extension
- abduction/adduction
- external rotation/ internal rotation
- horizontal abduction/horizontal adduction
- normal range
- Scapulothoracic joint
- abduction/adduction
- elevation/depression
- GH joint
- Elbow and Forearm
- Elbow joint
- Flexion/extension
- normal range
- Radioulnar joint
- Supination/Pronation
- normal range
- Elbow joint
- Wrist joint
- Wrist joint
- Flexion/Extension
- Radial deviation(=abduction=lateral deviation) / Ulnar deviation(=adduction=medeal deviation)
- Normal range
- flexion :80 / extension : 80
- ulnar deviation :30 / radial deviation : 20
- Wrist joint
- Hand joint
- 1st carpometacarpal joint (thumb)
- Flexion/extension ;coronal plane
- Abduction/adduction ; sagittal plane
- Opposition
- 2nd to 5th fingers
- Flexion/extension
- Abduction/adduction
- 1st carpometacarpal joint (thumb)
- Hip joint
- hip joint
- Flexion/extension
- Abduction/addction
- Medial rotation(IR)/Lateral rotation(ER)
- normal range
- Position
- Active Free : standing
- Passive : supine position(flexion/abduction/adduction), prone position(extension/IR/ER)
- Active Resistence : supine(flexion/abduction/adduction), prone position(extension/IR/ER)
- hip joint
- Knee joint
- Tibiofemoral joint
- Flexion/Extension
- Medial rotation(IR)/lateral rotation(ER)
- normal range
- Tibiofemoral joint
- Ankle joint
- Talocrural joint
- Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion
- Subtalar joint
- Inversion/Eversion
- normal range
- Talocrural joint
- Cervical joint
- Thoracic/Lumbar joint
- Narration for OSCE(Practical exam)
- Introduction
- Today I am going to do range of motion of the _________ joint. So, just let me know when you feel any pain, any tingling or numbness during range motion test, You may stop me and I will stop right away. Do you understand? Can we start now?
- Actice free range of motion
- First of all, let’s do the active free rang of motion. That means I will demonstrate the movement first, then I will ask you to copy my movement. Do you understand? So. I am going to work on your ___________
- During test : Are you okay?
- After test : So, Active free _________ joint movement shows you have fully ragng of motion without any pain or discomfort, which is very good and normal.
- Passive Relax range of motion
- We are goingt to do passive relax rage of motion test, that means you don’t need to do anyting. I will move your joint for you. Do you understand? is it okay? May I place my hands on your __________? If you have any pain or numbness, just let me know.
- During test : Are you okay?
- After test : So, As passive relax range of motion, your _________ joint movement shows that you have fully ragng of motion without any pain or discomfort, which is very good and normal.
- Active Resistence range of motion
- Now Let’s do movement active resistance rage of motion. That means I am going to ask you to do exactly same movement you did before, but this time you try to do aginst my hand. Do you understand?
- During test : Are you okay?
- After test : So, we finished all the range of motion ________ joint. Everything shows great.
- Introduction
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