1.What is A?

Answer is A)
The radial collateral ligament stretches from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the annular ligament and lateral side of the ulna.

2. What is the B in above image?

Answer is C)
The ulnar collateral ligament spread out and attach to the coronoid process of the ulna and to the olecranon process.

3. What is the C in above the images?

Answer is B)
The anuular ligament wraps around the head and neck of the radius, stablizing the proximal radius against the ulna during pronation and supination.

4. What type of joint is the proximal radioulnar joints?

Answer is B)
Types of joints

5. Which of the following is not correct about elbow joint?

Answer is B)
Humeroradial joint is hinge joint

6. What is the close packed position of the Humerounlar joint?

Answer is A)

7. Cubital valgus : Angle of the elbow is greater than 15 degree.

Answer is A)
Images of the cubital valgus ans varus

8. Which one is normal range of the elbow joint?

Answer is B)
Flexion : 150 / Extension : 0 to -5 degree / pronation : 90 degree / supination : 90 degree

9. When elbow flex, which one is stretced?

Answer is D)
Streched tissue, when elbw flex : triceps brachii, anconeus, unlar nerve, posterior elbow joint capusule Ulnar nerve

10. When elbow supinate, which muscles are stretched?

Answer is C)
Pronator teres, pronator quadratus

11. Lateral epicondylitis is called golfer elbow.

Answer is B)
Lateral epicondylitis is called tennis elbow.

12. Medial epicondylitis test?

Answer is D)
Medial epicondylitis tests : Reverse Mill’s test, Reverse Cozen’s test

13. Tennis elbow is most often result from overuse injuries that damage the ____________ and ______________.

    Answer is A)

    14. Which one is not related the lateral epicondylitis?

    Answer is B)

    15. which of the following symtom is not related the Lateral epicondylitis?

    Answer is B)

    16. When you do ROM test to cleint who has lateral epicondylitis, elbow ROM will be within the norms

    Answer is A)

    17. Cubital tunnel syndrome is due to increased pressure on median nerve at the elbow.

    Answer is B)
    Increased pressure on ulnar nerve

    18. Observation factor for Cubital tunnel syndrome, except?

    Answer is D)

    19. Varus stress test at elbow is to assess for sprain of the _________________.

    Answer is A)

    20. Which of the following types of actions would be a primary mechanism of injury for tennis elbow?

    Answer is B)

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