1. Supination of the forearm, except?
2. Pronation of the forearm, except?
3. What is wrist?
4. What is another term of the abduction of the wrist?
5. Abduction of the wrist, except?
6. Ulnar deviation of the wrist?
ulnar deviation(adduction) of the wrist ; extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris
7. Which of the following statement is incorrect statement about brachioradialis?
the brachioradialis does not cross the wrist joint.
8. The __________ and shaft of the _______ can be used as clear dividing lines between the flexor and extensor groups of the forearm.
9. Where is the origin site for extensor carpi brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, and extensor digitorum?
10. Which of the following muscle lies on anterior of forearm?
11. What is the action of the anconeus?
12. How many muscles are in the flexors of the wrist and fingers?
flexors of the wrist and fingers ; flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi unlaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profunds
13. Most of the flexors of the wrist and fingers originate as one mass from the common flexor tendon at the ____________.
… Answer is A)
14. Which of the following muscle is the deepest muscle among the flexors of the wrist and fingers?
15. Where is located the palmar aponeurosis?
16. All flexors of the wrist and finger affect the median nerve, except?
flexor carpi ulnaris ; ulnar nerve
17. Which of the following muscle is not attached at the medial epicondyle of the femur?
18. which of the joint is a hinge joint and allows for flexion and extension?
19. both the ulna and the radius have _____________ at their distal ends
20. which band of connective tissue forms the “roof” of the carpal tunnel?