
  • Heat
  1. Effects
    1. Increase
      • Local vasodilation —> Increase blood flow —-> Increase capillary permeability, Increase supply oxygen and nuterient to the tissue —> Increase metabolism
    2. Decrease
      • Pain perception
      • Muscle tone
      • Muscle spasm
      • Gastrointestinal motility and gastric acid production when apply heat to the abdomen
    3. Sedation and relaxation
  2. Types
    • Thermophore : Electric moist-heat pad
    • Hydrocollator : Gel filled cloth pack, apply with wrapped towel
    • Wax bath
    • Compress : Hot towels or cloths
  3. General caution
    • Temperature
      1. Warm : 36 to 38 degrees Celsius
      2. Hot : over 39 degrees
  4. Contraindications
    • Acute injury, acute inflamtion, acute infection
    • Circulatory pathologies
    • Sensory changes
    • Burns
    • Hypersensitivity to heat
  • Cold
  1. Effects
    1. Decrease
      • Vasocontriction –> decrease blood flow —> Decrease metabolism —> Decrease inflammation, Decrease swelling and edema
      • Decrease Pain
      • Decrease muscle spasm
      • Decrease temperature of the skin
    2. Increase
      • Increase blood viscosity
  2. Types
    1. Ice pack : Gel-gilled plastic packs, wrapping towel needed when applying the skin
    2. Ice massage
    3. Compresses
  3. General caustion
    1. Caution the frosbite
    2. Temperature
      1. Cool : 13 to 18 degrees Celsius
      2. Cold : 0 to 12 degrees Celsius
  4. Contraindication
    1. Raynud’s disease
    2. Circulatory insufficiency
    3. Sensory changes
    4. Cold allergy
  • Contrast
  1. Effects
    • Increase in local circulation and venous return
    • Decrease edema
    • Increase tissue healing
  2. General caution
    1. Ration of time for each application of heat and cold –> 3:1
    2. Always end with a cold application

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