1. Which is the best technique for breaking down the adhesion?

Answer is A)

2. This is the deepest, most destructive direct fascial technique. what is this technique?

Answer is D)

3. Which of the following statement is not related to trigger point?

Answer is B)
trigger points present on tight muscles

4. Which statement is correct about the active trigger point?

Answer is B)

5.Which technique is appropriate to stimulate nerves?

Answer is C)

6. Which technique need to apply ice pack after treatment?

Answer is D)

7. Pressing one superficial layer of tissue against a deeper layer of tissue to improve blood flow is called ?

Answer is A)

8. Your client had injured 5days ago, now she complained muslce spasm around injured site. Which techinique is appropriate?

Answer is A)

9. Which of the following is the example of the principle of massage “superficail -> deep -> superficail?

Answer is B)

10. Which of the following statement is true about the benefit of the massge?

Answer is B)