- Ligaments test
- Valgus stress test
- To assess the medial collateral ligament / MCL tear or strain
- Excessive movement and/or pain
- Varus stress test
- To assess the lateral collateral ligament / LCL tear or strain
- Excessive movement and/or pain
- Anterior drawer test
- To assess anteiror cruciate ligament / ACL tear or strain
- Excessive movement and/or pain
- Posterior drawer test
- To assess posterior cruciate ligament / PCL tear or strain
- Excessive movement and/or pain
- Lachman’s test
- To assess anterior cruciate ligament / ACL tear or strain
- Excessive movement and/or pain
- Posterior sag sign
- To assess posterior cruciate ligament / PCL injury
- Tibi drops or sags posteriorly
- Apley’s distraction test
- To assess MCL and LCL / LCL injury if pain on lateral rotation, MCL injury if pain on medial rotation
- pain produced
- Meniscus tests
- McMurray test
- To assess menisci / medial meniscal injury with valgus stress(external rotation), lateral meniscal injury with varus stress(internal rotaion)
- clicking, blockae movement or pain
- Apley’s compression test
- To assess menisci / medial meniscal injury in pain on medial side, lateral meniscal injury if pain on lateral side
- pain produced
- O’Donohue test
- To aseess knee capsule and menisci / capsular irritation or miniscal teat
- Pain produced
- Bounce Home test
- To assess menisci and loose bodies / menisci tear or a loose bodies
- knee cannot be fully extended with pain produced
- Patellofemoral Syndrome
- Clarke’s test
- To assess the patellofemoral joint / Patellofemoral syndrome, chondromalacia patella
- Pain, crepitus
- McConell’s test
- To assess patellofemoral tracking / with medial glide(medial patellofemoral tracking issue), with lateral glide ( lateral patellofemoral tracking issue)
- pain is relieved when with medial glide or lateral glide
- Passive patellar tilt
- To assess patella / IT band tightness, Patellarfemoral syndrome
- pain or crepitus(cracking or popping sound)
- Patellar apprehension test
- To assess patella /dislocation of the patella
- positive : pain
- Waldron’s test
- To assess the patellofemoral joint / Patellofemoral syndrome
- positive : pain, crepitus and poor patellar tracking
- Etc..
- Patellar tap test
- To assess knee joint structure / swelling due to ACL, PCL, meniscal injury
- clicking and pain, rebounds with pressure
- Quadriceps angle test
- To assess Q angle / Chondramalacia patellar or subluxaion
- Positive : angle <13 degree or >18 degree
- Ballottable Patella = Major effusion test = patella tap test
- To aseess for major increase in the synovial fluid within the knee joint capsule following an acute knee injury
- Brush = minor effusion test
- To aseess for lesser amounts of synovial fluid within the knee joint capsule following an acute knee injury
[…] Special test […]
[…] Special test […]