OSCE Station 1 : Remedial Exercise


Hello, My name is _____ , I am a student of massage therapist.
Today I would like to show you remedial exercises, that include some stretches and exercise. The exercise will relive your symptoms by increasing muscle strength and reducing muscle tension. Also, they can help you returen to your normal dailiy activities.
During exercise, you may feel some tension or tightness which is normal. But, if you feel pain or discomfort, please let me know so that I will modify the excercise for you. You do the action slowly and no boucing movement with keeping normal breathing.
Do you understand? Do you have any questions?
May I have your consent to start?

Isotonic ; I am going to show you an isotonic strengthening exercise for your ______ muslce.
Isotonic means strengthening the muscle by against moving resistance. This time I will use dumbell or theraband. This muscle is located _______.
Now I will show you the exercise and then I will ask you to do it for me.(show the movement)
could you show me the exercise? Please repeat the exercise so that I can ensure you are doing it safely and correctly without risk at home. Do you feel the tension without pain? please repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times for 1 set, and 3 sets a day, every other day with keep normal breathing. do you understand? do you have any questions?

Isometric : Now, let me show you the isometric strengthening exercise for your _____ muscle.
Isometric means strengthening the muscle by against a static resistance using a wall or a part of your body.
The muscle is located ______. Now I will show you the exercise and then I will ask you to do it for me. Is it okay? (show the movement) do you understand? could you show me the exercise? Please repeat the exercise so that I can ensure you are doing it safely and correctly without risk at home. (May I touch you?) Do you feel the tension without pain? please repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times for 1set, and 3 sets a day, every other day. do you understand? do you have any questions?

Stretch : I will show you the stretch for the__________ muscle. Stretch means lengthening the muscle fibers from origin to insertion, and it helps increase muscle flexibility and decrease muscle tension.
This muscle is located ____________.
Now I will show you the stretch and then I will ask you to do it for me. (show the movement) do you understand? could you show me it? Please repeat the stretch so that I can make sure you are doing it safely and correctly without risk at home.You may feel tightness, which is normal.
(May I touch you?) Do you feel a stretch without pain?
Every time, hold for about 30 seconds and No bounce movement while keep normal breathing. you can try to do this stretch 2 times a day, every other day. each time hold for 30 seconds. do you understand? do you have any questions?

PNF : Now, we are going to do a therapeutic stretch which is more advanced form of flexibility training. We call this techniques,PNF. PNF can stimulate GTO to send a signal to the spinal cord and brain, to let the target muscle relax. This time I will help you the exercise.
First, I am going to stretch your muscle to see where the barrier is, okay, here is the first barrier, now please push against my resistance and hold for 5-10 seconds.
(Hold relax : No movement during resistance / Contract relax : little movement during resistance) Okay, please relax the muscle. And I will stretch this muscle agian until new pain free barrier.
okay, then please push against my resistance and hold for 5-10 seconds.
Do you have any pain or discomfort?
we will do the last stretch and hold for 30 seconds to give the muscle a full stretch.

We are finish with all the exercises today. Once agina, If you feel pain and discomfort please stop at anytime and come and see me please. I will measure the progress of your exercise and condition on next visit. Are you okay with all the exercises you learned? Do you have any questions?
Thank you

Practice Isotonic, Isometric, Stretching and RNF below muscles.

  1. Supraspinatus
  2. Infraspinatus
  3. Subscapularis
  4. Levator scapula
    1. PNF : Levator Scapula PNF Stretch – YouTube
    2. Isotonic : Levator scapulae exercise – YouTube
  5. Upper Trapezius
    1. Stretch : 3 Neck Stretches: Levator Scapulae, Upper Trapezius, and Scalenes” – YouTube
    2. Isotonic : How and why to strengthen the upper trapezius, and common pitfalls – YouTube
    3. PNF : Upper Trapezius PNF Stretch and Muscle Length – YouTube
  6. Middle Trapezius
    1. Stretch : R.67f8e14f1b46da051013e1545f69861a (400×600) (bing.com)
  7. Splenius Cervicis
  8. Splenius Capitis
  9. Suboccipitalis
    1. Stretch : maxresdefault.jpg (1280×720) (ytimg.com)
  10. Masseter
    1. Stretch : maxresdefault.jpg (1280×720) (ytimg.com)
  11. Tempolaris
  12. SCM and Anterior Scalene
  13. Middle scalene
  14. Pectoralis minor
  15. Clavicular head of pectoralis major
  16. Sterneal head of pectoralis major
  17. Deltoid
  18. Anterior Deltoid
  19. Biceps brachii
  20. Triceps brachii
  21. Latissimus Dorsi
  22. Serratus Anteiror
  23. Rhomboids
  24. Iliocostalis
  25. Erector spinae
  26. Quadratus Lumborum
  27. Brachilais
  28. Brachioradialis
  29. Common Extensors
  30. Common flexors
  31. Supinator
  32. Pronator Teres
  33. Palmaris longus
  34. Flexor carpi radialis
  35. Opponeus Pollicis
  36. Flexor digitorum superficialis
  37. Flexor digitorum profundus
  38. Flexor carpi ulnaris
  39. Extensor digitorum
  40. Extensor Carpi radialis longus/brevis
  41. Extensor carpi ulnaris
  42. Abductor pollicis longus
  43. Extensor pollicis longus
  44. Flexor pollicis longus
  45. Adductor pollicis
  46. Gluteus maximus
  47. Gluteus medius
  48. Gluteus minimus
  49. Piriformis
  50. Quadratus Femoris
  51. Rectus Abdominal
  52. External obilque
  53. Internal oblique
  54. Rectus femoris
  55. Vastus lateralis
  56. Vastus medialis
  57. Vastus intermedius
  58. Adductor longus
  59. Adductor magnus
  60. Gracillis
  61. Biceps femoris
  62. Semitendinosus
  63. Gastrocnemius
  64. Soleus
  65. Tibialis Anterior
  66. Tibialis posterior
  67. Extensor Digitorum longus
  68. Extensor digitorum bravis
  69. Flexor digitorum longus
  70. Flexor digitorum brevis
  71. Extensor hallucis longus
  72. Peroneus longus
  73. Peroneus brevis
  74. Peroneus tertius
  75. Iliopsoas
  76. IT band
  77. TFL
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