1. These are risk factor of the uterine cancer, except?

Answer is C)

2. Ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer.

Answer is A)

3. The early symptoms of the ovarian cancer are various, so most of the ovary cancer can be detected at early stage.

Answer is B)
the feature that makes ovarian cancer such a dangerous disease is that early symptoms are practically nonexistent or so subtle that they are easily passed over.

4. An elective abortion is the unintentional termination of a pregnancy

Answer is B)
a spontaneous abortion is an unintentional termination of a pregnancy

5. Miscarriages usually happen in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetus dies after 20th weeks, it is called a stillbirth, but the principles are the same.

Answer is A)

6. Deep Massage on the abdominal is very beneficial for women recovering from spontaneous or elective abortion and from childbirth.

Answer is B)
Deep abdominal massage is locally contraindicated for women recovering from spontaneous or elective abortion and from childbirth.

7. Endometriosis is the growth of malignant cells in the lining of the cervix.

Answer is B)
cervical cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the lining of the cervix.

8. Which virus is directly related to cervical cancer?

Answer is C)

9. The pap test is the current standard for early cervical cancer detection.

Answer is A)

10. To prevent cervical cancer, except?

Answer is D)

11. Menorrhagia is a technical term for painful menstrual periods.

Answer is B)
dysmenorrhea is a technical term for painful menstrual periods.

12. Which hormone is responsible for dysmenorrhea?

Answer is A)

13. What is the most likely condition when and individual has cells from the endometrium line the fallopian tube and the ovaries?

    Answer is B)

    14. Fibroid tumors grow in fallopian tubes.

    Answer is B)
    fibroid tumors grow in uterus.

    15. The most common early sign of the uterine cancer is ?

    Answer is D)

    16.Menopause is a point in time 24 month after a woman’s last period.

    Answer is B)
    Menopause is a point in time 12 month after a woman’s last period.

    17. Signs and symptoms of menopause?

    Answer is D)

    18. Which of the following statement is not true about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

    Answer is A)
    it is not related to prostate cancer

    19. The signs and symptoms of BPH(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), except?

    Answer is C)
    inability to completely empty the bladder

    20. Which one is false?

    Answer is C)
    Prostatitis is curable, but BPH can be treated but not cured.