1.Which muscle gets shorted when shoulder protracts?
Serratus anterior action : Draws scapula anterolaterally, Suspends scapula on thoracic wall, Rotates scapula (draws inferiorly angle laterally)
2.Which of the following indicates eccentric contraction in biceps brachii?
Eccentric contraction : Muscle lengthening that happens when a force applied to the muscle surpasses the force it produces
3. While latissimus dorsi stretched, head of humerus rotates to which direction?
4. Although the biceps brachii is the most visible flexor, another primary muscle is the
5. Which muscles abduct the scapula?
6. Which muscle is not part of the rotator of GH joint?
7. Which of the following muscle is involved abduction of the shoulder?
Abduction of the shoulder ; deltoid, supraspinatus
8. The muscle that is responsible for the resisting or opposing action is called the
9. Engaging this muscle will bring the arm forward
10. External rotation of the humerus will cause the palm of the hand to
11. An antagonist to the biceps is the
12. The muscle that does not attach to the numerous is the
13. when the humerus is rotated laterally, which muscle is stretched?
… Answer is C)
14. Which muscle has no attachments on the scapula?
15. The insertion of the triceps is the ?
16. Which muscle’s action is elevation and downward rotation of the Sapulpa?
17. which muscle stabilize the humerus in the Glenside fossa and abduct humerus?
18. A client comes in for a massage and the scapula, still abducted after the massage. Which muscle do you recommend that the client stretch??
19. All of the muscles share a common attachment
20. Which movement brings the arm closer to the midline ?