Ankle sprain

Befor start, read the breif explantion about the sprain

  • Inversion sprain
    1. Most common ankle sprain
    2. damaging ligaments are lateral side of the ankle joint
      1. anterior talofibular ligament : most common injured site
      2. calcaneofubular ligament : second most common injured site
      3. calcaneocuboid ligament : less frequently injured
  • Eversion sprain
    • Less usual
    • damaging ligaments are medial side of the ankle joint : deltoid ligament
  • Orthopaedic test
    1. Anterior drawer test
    2. Anterior talofibular ligamentous stress test
      • To assess the anterior talofibular ligament
      • therapist does Passive relaxed ROM of palntarflesion, inversion and addction applying overpressure at the end of the passive range.
    3. Inversion test = inversion talar tilt test = calcaneofubular ligamentous stress test
    4. Eversion test = Eversion talar tilt test =deltoid ligamentous stress test
      1. To assess anterior fibres of the deltoid ligament : therapist apply overpressure into eversion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint
      2. To assess middle fibres of the deltoid ligaments : therapist graps the hindfoot, then apply overpressure into eversion
      3. To assess posterior fibres of the deltoid ligaments : therapist apply overpressure into eversion and dorsiflexion of the ankle joint
    5. Calcaneocuboid ligamentous stress test
      1. To assess calcaneocuboid ligament
      2. Therapist supinate and adduct the forefoot with overpressure
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