- The benefit of the cross-fibre frictions
- Break down the adhesion within muscle fibres and between structures such as ligaments and tendons
- The depth of pressure used is sufficient to cause minor tissue damage and inflammation -> release of histamine and bradykinin -> Vasodilation -> increase blood supply -> accelate tissue repair
- Promote the fiber realigned
- Indication of the cross-fibre frictions
- Subacute and chronic stages of healing to break down adhesions which prevent normal motion.
- Assessment
- Client feel pain when do active resistence motion,
- How to work
- Warm up
- Heat for 5-10min
- Effleurage and petrissage
- 3 times kneading
- 3 times stripping
- 3 times kneading
- Assess the adhesion area (tendon) : By active resistance. Find the most tender spot on the tendon
- Ask extra consent because it is the painful technique
- Remove the oil from client’s skin and therapist’s hands
- Reassess the adhesion tendon by active resistance again
- Cross fiber friction for 2 min within the client’s pain tolerance level
- Flush the area for 30 sec to remove the toxic : super light stroking. Unidirection towards the heart
- Repeat the fiber friction and flush 3 times
- Passive stretch for 30 sec : no bouncing movement
- Ice on the area for 1-2 min to reduce the pain and inflammation
- Warm up
- Contraindication
- not used over peripheral nerves
- acute injury
- rhematoid arthritis
- infective arthritis
- clients who use of anti inflammatories, anticoagulats, high-dose long term steroid medication
- peripheral vascular disease
- fragility of the skin or soft tissue
- Common area for the friction technique
- Inferior tendon of levator scapula
- Lateral tendon of supraspintus
- Superior tendon of pectoralis minor
- Long head of biceps brachii
- Distal tendon of triceps brachii
- Inferior tendon of quadratus lumborum
- Common extensor tendon
- Common flexor tendon
- Distal tendon of abductor pollicis longus
- Superior tendon of rectus femoris
- Lateral tendon of piriformis
- Hamstrings(Origin)
- Superior tendon of peroneus longus
- Achilles tendon
- Patella ligament
- Tibialis anterior muscle belly
- Infraspinatus muscle belly
- Supraspinatus muscle belly
- Distal tendon of vastus lateralis
- Anterior talofibular ligament
- Plantar fascia
- Flexor retinaculum
[…] Friction for Distal tendon of Vastus lateralis […]