Muscles Palpation

  1. Inferior Tendon of Levator Scapula
    1. Origin of the Levator Scapula
      1. Transverse process of C1 to C4
    2. Insertion of the Levator Scapula
      1. Medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula
    3. Action
      1. Unilaterally
        1. Elevate scapular
        2. Downeardly rotate scapular
        3. Laterally flex head and neck (ipsilateral)
        4. Rotate head and neck (Ipsilateral)
      2. Bilaterally
        1. Extend head and neck
    4. Plapation of inferior tendo of levator scapula
      1. find medial border of scapula, then move finger superior, medially.
      2. side bend neck and rotation on tested side, elevation shoulder agaist therapist’s hand.
      3. Feel the contraction
  2. Masster
    1. Origin
      1. Zygomatic arch
    2. Insertion
      1. Angle and ramus of mandable
    3. Action
      1. Elevate mandable(TMJ)
      2. Assist to protract(TMJ)
    4. Palpation : Palpation of the Masseter – YouTube
      1. Place finger on zygomatic arch
      2. Move to until angle and ramus of madable
      3. Cunch teeth
      4. Feel the contraction
  3. Temporalis
    1. Origin of Temporalis
      1. Temporal fossa and fascia
    2. Insertion of temporalis
      1. Coronoid process
      2. Anterior edge of ramus of mandable
    3. Action of temporalis
      1. Elevate mandable (TMJ)
      2. Retract TMJ
    4. Palpation : Muscle Palpation – Temporalis & Masseter – YouTube
      1. find zygomatic arch, then move to superior on to the temporal fossa
      2. Crunch teeth
      3. Feel the contraction
  4. Sternal Head of SCM
    1. Origin of SCM
      1. Sternal head : top of the manubrium
      2. Clavicular head : medial 1/3 of clavicle
    2. Insertion of SCM
      1. Mastoid process of temporal bone
      2. Lateral portion of superior nuchae line of occiput
    3. Action of SCM
      1. Unilateral
        1. Laterally flex head and neck(ipsilateral)
        2. Rotate head and neck (contralateral)
      2. Bilateral
        1. Flex head and neck
        2. Assiste elevate rib cage during inhalation
    4. Palpation of the sternal head of SCM
      1. place finger on the top of the manubrium
      2. rotate head and neck
      3. Feel the tendon of the SCM
  5. Supraspinatus (insertion)
    1. Origin
      1. Supraspinaous fossa of scapula
    2. Insertion
      1. Greater tubercle of humerus
    3. Action
      1. Abduct the shoulder(GH joint)
      2. Stablize head of humerus
    4. Palpation of the insertion of the suprasinatus
      1. Place fingers on the acromion
      2. Move inferiorly and laterally little bit, that is greater tubercle of humerus
      3. Abduct shoulder agaist therapist, then feel tendon
  6. Latissimus dorsi : Latissimus Dorsi | Muscle Anatomy – YouTube
    1. Origin of latissimus dorsi
      1. Inferior angle of scapula
      2. Spinous process of T7 – T12, Thoracolumbarfascia
      3. Ribs 9 – 12
      4. Posterior iliac crest
    2. Insertion of latissimus dorsi
      1. Intertubercular groove of humerus
    3. Action
      1. Extend shoulder
      2. Adduct shoulder
      3. Medially rotate shoulder
    4. Palpation
      1. Prone position
      2. bring arm forward celing. against thetapist
      3. feel the muscle on back throuh armfit
  7. Inferior tendon of Quadrtus Lumborum
    1. Origin of Quadratus lumborum
      1. Posterior iliac crest
    2. Insertion of Quadratus lumborum
      1. Last rib(rib 12)
      2. transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L4
    3. Action
      1. Unilaterally
        1. Laterally tilt(elevate) pelvis(ipsilateral)
        2. Laterally flex vetebral column (ipsilateral)
        3. Assist to extend vertebral column
      2. Bilaterally
        1. Fix the last rib during forced inhalation and exhalation
    4. Palapation of Inferior tendon of Quadratus Lumborum
      1. place on posterior iliac crest
      2. go to superior little bit
      3. tilt the hip laterally on palpation side
      4. feel the infeior tendon
  8. Gluteus medius
    1. Origin of Gluteus medius
      1. Gluteal surface of ilium, between posterior and anterior gluteal lines, just bleow the iliac crest
    2. Insertion of Gluteus medius
      1. Lateral aspect of the greater trochanter of femur
    3. Action of Gluteus medius
      1. All fibers : abduct hip
      2. Anterior fibers : flex hip, medially rotate hip
      3. posterior hip : extend hip, laterally rotate hip
    4. Palpation of Gluteus medius
      1. Position : side lying
      2. Place finger on just below posteior iliac crest
      3. Abduct hip then feel the contraction
  9. Lateral tendon of Piriformis
    1. Origin of Piriformis
      1. Anterior surface of sacrum
    2. Insertion of Piriformis
      1. Superior aspect of the Greater trochanter of femur
    3. Action of Piriformis
      1. Lateral rotate hip
      2. Abdut hip at the flexed hip
    4. Palpation of the lateral tendon of piriformis : Piriformis Palpation ARCHIVE – YouTube
      1. Position : prone
      2. Place finger on greater trochanter
      3. Move finger little bit posterior and superior
      4. Flex knee and bring the knee inside, then against therapist’s hand
      5. feel the contraction
  10. Superior tendon of Rectus femoris
    1. Origin of rectus femoris
      1. AIIS
    2. Insertion of rectus femoris
      1. Tibial tuberosity(via patella and patella ligament)
    3. Action of the rectus femoris
      1. Extend knee
      2. flex hip
    4. Palpatio of the superior tendon of rectus femoris
      1. Position : suping
      2. Find ASIS, then move medially and infeirorly littl bit (AIIS)
      3. Flex hip, then against therapist force
      4. feel the contraction
  11. DIstal tendon of Flxor carpi ulnaris
    1. Origin of Flexor carpi ulnaris
      1. Medial epicondyle of humerus
    2. Insertion fo flexor carpi ulnaris
      1. Pisiform
      2. Hook of hammate
      3. base of 5th metacarpal
    3. Action of flexor carpi ulnaris
      1. Flex wrist
      2. adduct wrist
      3. Assist flex the elbow
    4. Palpation of distal tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
      1. place medial epicondyle, then runs down to the pisiform
      2. medial adduction of the wrist, agains therapist, then you can feel the tendon, where between pisiform and diatal side of ulna bone
  12. Superior tendon of Extensor carpi radialis brevis
    1. Origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis
      1. Lateral epicondyle of the humeurs
      2. Common extensor tendon
    2. Insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis
      1. base of 3rd metacarpal
    3. Action of extensor carpi radialis brevis
      1. Extend elbow
      2. Abduct elbow
    4. Palpation of superior tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis : Muscle Palpation – Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis – YouTube
      1. place on lateral epicondyle
      2. Move little bit inferiorly
      3. flext writd, you can feel the contraction
  13. Distal tendon of Biceps femoris
    1. Origin of Biceps femoris
      1. Long head : Ischial tuberosity
      2. Short head : Lateral lip of Linea aspera
    2. Insertion of Biceps femoris
      1. Head of fibula
    3. Action of Biceps femoris
      1. All fibers
        1. Flex knee
        2. laterally rotate with flexed knee
        3. Tilt the pelvis posteriorly
      2. Long head
        1. Extend hip
        2. Assist to lateral rotate hip
    4. Palpation of distal tendon of biceps femoris : Hamstrings Palpation – YouTube
      1. Position: prone
      2. Locat on head of fibula
      3. Move to superiolly little bit, then flex knee, then you can see the tendon
  14. Superior attachment of palmaris longus
    1. Origin of palmaris longus
      1. Common flexor tendon
      2. Medial epicondyle of humerus
    2. Insertion of palmaris longus
      1. Flexor retinaculum
      2. Palmar aponeurosis
    3. Action of palmaris longus
      1. Flex wrist
      2. Tense palmaris fascia
      3. Assisst to flex elbow
    4. Palpation of the superior attachment of palmaris longus
      1. Place finger on medial epicondyle
      2. Move to little bit distally, anteriorly
      3. Flex elbow against therapist, then feel the contraction
  15. Superior attachment of Pectoralis minor
    1. Origin of pectoralis minor
      1. 3, 4, 5 ribs
    2. Insertion of pectoralis minor
      1. Medial surface of coracoid process of scapula
    3. Action of pectoralis minor
      1. Depress scapula
      2. Abduct scapula
      3. Downardly rotate scapula
      4. Assist elevate thorax during forced inhalation
    4. Palpation of superior attachment of pectoralis minor
      1. Place finger on corocoid process
      2. Move finger inferiorly and medially
      3. Abduct scapula agains therapist, then feel the tendon
  16. Brachialis
    1. Origin
      1. Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
    2. Insertion
      1. Ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
    3. Action
      1. Flex elbow
    4. Palpation
      1. Flex elbow, then pronation, against therapist
      2. feel the lateral side of arm.
  17. Peroneus longus(muscle belly)
    1. Origin
      1. Head of fibula
      2. Proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula
    2. Insertion
      1. Base of 1st metatarsal
      2. Medial cuneiform
    3. Action
      1. Evert foot
      2. Assist to platar flex
    4. Palpation
      1. Place fingers on head of fibula
      2. Move inferiorly, then evert foot
      3. Feel the contracted muscle
  18. Distal tendon of peroneus tertius
    1. Origin of peronues tertius
      1. 3/4 anterior shaft of fibula
    2. Inertion of peronues tertius
      1. Shaft and base of 5th metatarsal
    3. Action of peroneus tertius
      1. Evert foot
      2. Assist to dorsiflex ankle
    4. Palpation of Peroneus tertius
      1. Place fingers on anterior side of lateral malleolus
      2. Cross angle joint, then continue going down until reach tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
      3. Then move to medally until base of the 5th meatarsal bone
      4. Evert and dorsiflex of foot, then feel the tendon
  19. Anconeus
    1. Origin
      1. Lateral epicondyle of humerus
    2. Insertion
      1. Olecrenon process
      2. Posterior, proximal of ulna
    3. Action
      1. Extend elbow
    4. Palpation
      1. Place fingers on the lateral epicondyle of humerus
      2. Move to the olecreanon process, then continue move proximal shaft of ulna bone
      3. Then, back to the lateral epicondyle of humerus. The triangle shape is anconeus
      4. Place on the triangle shape, then extend elbow against therapist
  20. Medial head of Gastrocnemius
    1. Origin of Gastrocnemius
      1. Condyles of femur, posterior surface
    2. Insertion of Gastrocnemius
      1. Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
    3. Action of gastrocnemius
      1. Flex knee
      2. Plantar flex ankle
    4. Palpation of Medial head of gastrocnemius : Gastroc and Soleus Palpation – YouTube
      1. Position : prone
      2. Flex knee aginst therapist
      3. you feel the contraction muscle where medial posterior side of lower leg
  21. Long head of biceps brachii
    1. Origin of Biceps brachii
      1. Long head : Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
      2. Short head : coracoid process of scapula
    2. Insertion
      1. Tuberosity of radius
    3. Action
      1. Flex elbow
      2. Supinate forearm
    4. Palpation of the long head of biceps brachii
      1. Place your fingers on the intertubecular groove of humerus which is located between greater tubercle and lesser tubercle of the humurus
      2. Flex elbow against therapist
      3. feel the tendon
  22. Distal tendon of Triceps brachii
    1. Origin of Triceps brachii
      1. Long head : infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
      2. Lateral head : posterior surface of the humerus (superior to radial groove)
      3. Medial head : posterior surface of the humerus (inferior to radial groove)
    2. Insertion of Triceps brachii
      1. Olecranon of ulna 
    3. Action
      1. Extend elbow
    4. Palpation of the distal tendon of triceps brachii
      1. Find olecranon of ulna, then move to superior ittle bit
      2. extend elbow agains therapist
      3. fell the tendon

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