- Inferior Tendon of Levator Scapula
- Origin of the Levator Scapula
- Transverse process of C1 to C4
- Insertion of the Levator Scapula
- Medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula
- Action
- Unilaterally
- Elevate scapular
- Downeardly rotate scapular
- Laterally flex head and neck (ipsilateral)
- Rotate head and neck (Ipsilateral)
- Bilaterally
- Extend head and neck
- Unilaterally
- Plapation of inferior tendo of levator scapula
- find medial border of scapula, then move finger superior, medially.
- side bend neck and rotation on tested side, elevation shoulder agaist therapist’s hand.
- Feel the contraction
- Origin of the Levator Scapula
- Masster
- Origin
- Zygomatic arch
- Insertion
- Angle and ramus of mandable
- Action
- Elevate mandable(TMJ)
- Assist to protract(TMJ)
- Palpation : Palpation of the Masseter – YouTube
- Place finger on zygomatic arch
- Move to until angle and ramus of madable
- Cunch teeth
- Feel the contraction
- Origin
- Temporalis
- Origin of Temporalis
- Temporal fossa and fascia
- Insertion of temporalis
- Coronoid process
- Anterior edge of ramus of mandable
- Action of temporalis
- Elevate mandable (TMJ)
- Retract TMJ
- Palpation : Muscle Palpation – Temporalis & Masseter – YouTube
- find zygomatic arch, then move to superior on to the temporal fossa
- Crunch teeth
- Feel the contraction
- Origin of Temporalis
- Sternal Head of SCM
- Origin of SCM
- Sternal head : top of the manubrium
- Clavicular head : medial 1/3 of clavicle
- Insertion of SCM
- Mastoid process of temporal bone
- Lateral portion of superior nuchae line of occiput
- Action of SCM
- Unilateral
- Laterally flex head and neck(ipsilateral)
- Rotate head and neck (contralateral)
- Bilateral
- Flex head and neck
- Assiste elevate rib cage during inhalation
- Unilateral
- Palpation of the sternal head of SCM
- place finger on the top of the manubrium
- rotate head and neck
- Feel the tendon of the SCM
- Origin of SCM
- Supraspinatus (insertion)
- Origin
- Supraspinaous fossa of scapula
- Insertion
- Action
- Abduct the shoulder(GH joint)
- Stablize head of humerus
- Palpation of the insertion of the suprasinatus
- Place fingers on the acromion
- Move inferiorly and laterally little bit, that is greater tubercle of humerus
- Abduct shoulder agaist therapist, then feel tendon
- Origin
- Latissimus dorsi : Latissimus Dorsi | Muscle Anatomy – YouTube
- Origin of latissimus dorsi
- Inferior angle of scapula
- Spinous process of T7 – T12, Thoracolumbarfascia
- Ribs 9 – 12
- Posterior iliac crest
- Insertion of latissimus dorsi
- Intertubercular groove of humerus
- Action
- Extend shoulder
- Adduct shoulder
- Medially rotate shoulder
- Palpation
- Prone position
- bring arm forward celing. against thetapist
- feel the muscle on back throuh armfit
- Origin of latissimus dorsi
- Inferior tendon of Quadrtus Lumborum
- Origin of Quadratus lumborum
- Posterior iliac crest
- Insertion of Quadratus lumborum
- Last rib(rib 12)
- transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L4
- Action
- Unilaterally
- Laterally tilt(elevate) pelvis(ipsilateral)
- Laterally flex vetebral column (ipsilateral)
- Assist to extend vertebral column
- Bilaterally
- Fix the last rib during forced inhalation and exhalation
- Unilaterally
- Palapation of Inferior tendon of Quadratus Lumborum
- place on posterior iliac crest
- go to superior little bit
- tilt the hip laterally on palpation side
- feel the infeior tendon
- Origin of Quadratus lumborum
- Gluteus medius
- Origin of Gluteus medius
- Gluteal surface of ilium, between posterior and anterior gluteal lines, just bleow the iliac crest
- Insertion of Gluteus medius
- Lateral aspect of the greater trochanter of femur
- Action of Gluteus medius
- All fibers : abduct hip
- Anterior fibers : flex hip, medially rotate hip
- posterior hip : extend hip, laterally rotate hip
- Palpation of Gluteus medius
- Position : side lying
- Place finger on just below posteior iliac crest
- Abduct hip then feel the contraction
- Origin of Gluteus medius
- Lateral tendon of Piriformis
- Origin of Piriformis
- Anterior surface of sacrum
- Insertion of Piriformis
- Superior aspect of the Greater trochanter of femur
- Action of Piriformis
- Lateral rotate hip
- Abdut hip at the flexed hip
- Palpation of the lateral tendon of piriformis : Piriformis Palpation ARCHIVE – YouTube
- Position : prone
- Place finger on greater trochanter
- Move finger little bit posterior and superior
- Flex knee and bring the knee inside, then against therapist’s hand
- feel the contraction
- Origin of Piriformis
- Superior tendon of Rectus femoris
- Origin of rectus femoris
- Insertion of rectus femoris
- Tibial tuberosity(via patella and patella ligament)
- Action of the rectus femoris
- Extend knee
- flex hip
- Palpatio of the superior tendon of rectus femoris
- Position : suping
- Find ASIS, then move medially and infeirorly littl bit (AIIS)
- Flex hip, then against therapist force
- feel the contraction
- Origin of rectus femoris
- DIstal tendon of Flxor carpi ulnaris
- Origin of Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Medial epicondyle of humerus
- Insertion fo flexor carpi ulnaris
- Pisiform
- Hook of hammate
- base of 5th metacarpal
- Action of flexor carpi ulnaris
- Flex wrist
- adduct wrist
- Assist flex the elbow
- Palpation of distal tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
- place medial epicondyle, then runs down to the pisiform
- medial adduction of the wrist, agains therapist, then you can feel the tendon, where between pisiform and diatal side of ulna bone
- Origin of Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Superior tendon of Extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Lateral epicondyle of the humeurs
- Common extensor tendon
- Insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis
- base of 3rd metacarpal
- Action of extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Extend elbow
- Abduct elbow
- Palpation of superior tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis : Muscle Palpation – Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis – YouTube
- place on lateral epicondyle
- Move little bit inferiorly
- flext writd, you can feel the contraction
- Origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Distal tendon of Biceps femoris
- Origin of Biceps femoris
- Long head : Ischial tuberosity
- Short head : Lateral lip of Linea aspera
- Insertion of Biceps femoris
- Head of fibula
- Action of Biceps femoris
- All fibers
- Flex knee
- laterally rotate with flexed knee
- Tilt the pelvis posteriorly
- Long head
- Extend hip
- Assist to lateral rotate hip
- All fibers
- Palpation of distal tendon of biceps femoris : Hamstrings Palpation – YouTube
- Position: prone
- Locat on head of fibula
- Move to superiolly little bit, then flex knee, then you can see the tendon
- Origin of Biceps femoris
- Superior attachment of palmaris longus
- Origin of palmaris longus
- Common flexor tendon
- Medial epicondyle of humerus
- Insertion of palmaris longus
- Action of palmaris longus
- Flex wrist
- Tense palmaris fascia
- Assisst to flex elbow
- Palpation of the superior attachment of palmaris longus
- Place finger on medial epicondyle
- Move to little bit distally, anteriorly
- Flex elbow against therapist, then feel the contraction
- Origin of palmaris longus
- Superior attachment of Pectoralis minor
- Origin of pectoralis minor
- 3, 4, 5 ribs
- Insertion of pectoralis minor
- Medial surface of coracoid process of scapula
- Action of pectoralis minor
- Depress scapula
- Abduct scapula
- Downardly rotate scapula
- Assist elevate thorax during forced inhalation
- Palpation of superior attachment of pectoralis minor
- Place finger on corocoid process
- Move finger inferiorly and medially
- Abduct scapula agains therapist, then feel the tendon
- Origin of pectoralis minor
- Brachialis
- Origin
- Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
- Insertion
- Action
- Flex elbow
- Palpation
- Flex elbow, then pronation, against therapist
- feel the lateral side of arm.
- Origin
- Peroneus longus(muscle belly)
- Origin
- Head of fibula
- Proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula
- Insertion
- Action
- Evert foot
- Assist to platar flex
- Palpation
- Place fingers on head of fibula
- Move inferiorly, then evert foot
- Feel the contracted muscle
- Origin
- Distal tendon of peroneus tertius
- Origin of peronues tertius
- 3/4 anterior shaft of fibula
- Inertion of peronues tertius
- Shaft and base of 5th metatarsal
- Action of peroneus tertius
- Evert foot
- Assist to dorsiflex ankle
- Palpation of Peroneus tertius
- Place fingers on anterior side of lateral malleolus
- Cross angle joint, then continue going down until reach tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
- Then move to medally until base of the 5th meatarsal bone
- Evert and dorsiflex of foot, then feel the tendon
- Origin of peronues tertius
- Anconeus
- Origin
- Lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Insertion
- Olecrenon process
- Posterior, proximal of ulna
- Action
- Extend elbow
- Palpation
- Place fingers on the lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Move to the olecreanon process, then continue move proximal shaft of ulna bone
- Then, back to the lateral epicondyle of humerus. The triangle shape is anconeus
- Place on the triangle shape, then extend elbow against therapist
- Origin
- Medial head of Gastrocnemius
- Origin of Gastrocnemius
- Condyles of femur, posterior surface
- Insertion of Gastrocnemius
- Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
- Action of gastrocnemius
- Flex knee
- Plantar flex ankle
- Palpation of Medial head of gastrocnemius : Gastroc and Soleus Palpation – YouTube
- Position : prone
- Flex knee aginst therapist
- you feel the contraction muscle where medial posterior side of lower leg
- Origin of Gastrocnemius
- Long head of biceps brachii
- Origin of Biceps brachii
- Long head : Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
- Short head : coracoid process of scapula
- Insertion
- Tuberosity of radius
- Action
- Flex elbow
- Supinate forearm
- Palpation of the long head of biceps brachii
- Place your fingers on the intertubecular groove of humerus which is located between greater tubercle and lesser tubercle of the humurus
- Flex elbow against therapist
- feel the tendon
- Origin of Biceps brachii
- Distal tendon of Triceps brachii
- Origin of Triceps brachii
- Long head : infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
- Lateral head : posterior surface of the humerus (superior to radial groove)
- Medial head : posterior surface of the humerus (inferior to radial groove)
- Insertion of Triceps brachii
- Olecranon of ulna
- Action
- Extend elbow
- Palpation of the distal tendon of triceps brachii
- Find olecranon of ulna, then move to superior ittle bit
- extend elbow agains therapist
- fell the tendon
- Origin of Triceps brachii
[…] Inferior tendon of levator scapula […]