- What is the pronator teres syndrome
- It is caused by a compression of the median nerve by the pronator teres muscle in the forearm.
- Pronator teres syndrome is commonly seen in tennis players, carpenters, mechanics, and weight lifters.
- Symptoms
- It can be very similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Tingling or numbness in the palm, thumb and three fingers but not the little pinky finger.
- Tenderness over the actual pronator teres muscle.
- Weakness in the arm or hand.
- Numbness and tingling in the palm, thumb or index finger
- Typically not having pain or discomfort at night (pain at night is more common with carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Test : tinel’s sign on forearm, pronator teres syndrome test
- Treatment : Swedish, trigger point
- Remedial Exercise
- Pronator teres stretching
- Flexor Stretching
- Make sure your palm is facing up (supination) when stretching your flexors
- Pronator teres stretching