Myofascial Release Technique

  1. Understanding Fascia
    1. What is the Fascia?
    2. Types of fascia
      1. Superficial
        1. It lies just below the skin and is composed of loosely knit connective tissue combined with fat, vascular structures and nurve receptors
        2. It is quiet mobile
        3. It has potential for the accumulation of tissue fluids and metabolites
      2. deeper
        1. It is denser, tougher and tighter
        2. It compartmentalizes the body and surrounds the muscles and vicera, contributing to the body’s contours and function.
      3. subserous
        1. It is a loose areolar tissue that covers the viscera.
        2. It supports the organs and provides lubrication so they may slide agaist each other
  2. Fascial Assessment
    1. With slow skin rolling
    2. With fascial glide
    3. With Postitional testing
      1. The limb or body is passively moved through its range until a barrier to motion is encountered.
      2. A fascial barrier occurs before a ligamentous or joint capsule barrier, which is called a capsular end feel.
  3. Fascial techniques : to break down restriction fascia
    1. Direct fascial techniques
      1. Basic rules
        1. Obtain conset form the client before using direct fascial techniques
        2. Work within the client’s pain tolerance and communicate about the discomfort levels during treatment
        3. The amount of pressure varies with the depth of the fascia
        4. heating sensation is normal during the treatment
        5. Sussessful release is indicated by hyperdermia, decrease of pain or other symptoms and a softening or lengthening of the tissue
        6. Little or no lubricant –>dry technique
        7. The speed is slow
      2. Techniques : Dry and Fascial Work – YouTube
        1. Skin rolling : rolling-technique-massage.jpg (1164×554) (
        2. Crossed-hands fascial stretch
        3. Fascial spreading
        4. Cutting technique
        5. Fascial torquing
        6. S-bowing fascial technique : Facial Bowing Techniques – ABMP Student Life – YouTube
        7. C-bowing fascial technique : Facial Bowing Techniques – ABMP Student Life – YouTube
        8. J-stroke : J-Stroke: Massage Technique – YouTube
          • The deepest, most destructive direct fascial technique
      3. Contraindication
        1. Acute injury
        2. hypotonic or atonic muscles
        3. fragile skine
        4. skin lesion and recent incisions
        5. painful conditions
        6. anticoagulant medication use
  4. How to work fascial release massage
    1. Assess the fascia : skin rolling, fascial gliding, positioning testing
    2. get a consent
    3. heat 5 to 10 mins to warm up
    4. Before treatment, remove oil, because fascial techniques is dry techniques.
    5. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times
    6. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
    7. Heat again for 5 mins to relax the area

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[…] Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times […]


[…] Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times […]


[…] Fascial techniques […]