Massage Techniques 1

  • When you take a OSCE, Do massage the muscle on your side.( Ex. when do massage the pectoralis minor, If you stand on the rigth side of your client, you have to do massage on the right side of the pectoralis minor)
  • Supine position section I
    1. Trigger Point Treatment for SCM
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point ( stripping and make sure through isometric action) ; typical SCM trigger points
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        1. Extend neck, neck lateral flexion to the opposit side, neck rotation on the same side
        2. Muscle Anatomy Master Class Sternocleidomastoid Stretch – YouTube
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Distal tendon of Vastus lateralis
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, distal tendon of vastus lateralis, by active resistance
      3. Get consent abou the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • Flex the knee, medial rotate the hip joint
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 oscillation, Posterior glide for sternoclavicula joint
      1. Push the clavicle to dorsal direction with large amplitude rhythmic oscillations  within the ROM, but not reaching the limitation(full AROM). 2-3 cycles per second.
    4. Finger stripping for IT band
      1. Sports Massage techniques for the IT band when treating IT band syndrome (runners knee) – YouTube
  • Supine postion section II
    1. Trigger point massage for Brachialis
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point ( stripping and make sure through isometric action) ; typical Brachialis trigger points
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        1. Extend elbow
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Tibialis Anterior muscle belly : Massage Tutorial: Tibialis Anterior (SHIN SPLINTS!!) – YouTube
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent abou the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • Dorsiflexion and eversion of foot.
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. Fascia for pectoralis minor
      1. Assess the fascia : skin rolling, fascial gliding, positioning testing(Passive ROM)
      2. get a consent
      3. heat 5 to 10 mins to warm up
      4. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times
      5. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
        1. Hold elbow and Push down the scapula
      6. Heat again for 5 mins to relax the area
    4. Wringing for biceps brachii
  • Supine position section III
    1. Trigger point massage for Temporalis
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistence ; typical temporalis trigger points
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec : TMJ self-care: Temporalis muscle stretch and self-massage techniques – YouTube
        1. Place palms on the temporalis fossa, then pull up
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Peroneus Tertius
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent abou the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        1. Plantarflexion and inversion of foot.
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 Post glide for Superior tibiofibular joint : Proximal Tibiofibular Joint | Joint Play – YouTube
      1. Little bit knee flexion
      2. Stablize tibia, then push down(not reaching limitation) fibula head up to the first tissue stop
    4. Thumb keading for Middle scalene
  • Supine Position section IV
    1. Trigger point for adductor magus
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistence ; typical adductor magnus trigger points
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec : Adductor Magnus – YouTube
        1. Abduct hip
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for flexor retinaculum
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent abou the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        1. Extend wrist
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G3 Oscillation for Talocrural joint
      1. Stablize the ankle then hold calcaneus and move the calcaneus back and forth
    4. Hacking for Quadriceps femoris
      • Effleuage
      • light hacking -> strong hacking -> light hacking
  • Prone Position section I
    1. Trigger point for Rhomboid minor
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistence; typical Rhomboid trigger point
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for hamstrings (origin region)
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • Extend knee and flex hip
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 Oscillation Anterior glide for C7/T1
      • Stablize T1, Push down C7
      • Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations  within the ROM, but not reaching the limitation(full AROM). 2-3 cycles per sec
    4. Finger stripping for Gastrocnemius
      • Effleuage first then finger stripping 3 times
  • Prone Position Section II
    1. Trigger point for Soleus
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistence ; Soleus trigger point
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        • Dorsiflexion of foot
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Qadratus Lumborum (inferior tendon)
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • iliac crest push down and last rib pull toward therapist
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G3 lateral glide oscillation for subtalar joint
      1. Stablize talus, then move inferior calcaneus ( distraction first), then Move calcaneus laterally(to increase inversion)
      2. Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations up to the limit of available motion  & stressed into tissue resistance(Full PROM). 2-3 cycles per sec ( going through joint capsule level)
    4. Palmar kneading for Latissimus Dorsi
      • Effleuage first then palmar kneading 3 times
  • Prone Position Section III
    1. Trigger point for Subcapularis
      1. Get extra conset because it is located under armpit
      2. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      3. find out the trigger point by active resistence ; Subscapularis trigger point
      4. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      5. Flush
      6. Passive stretching 30 sec
        • Do external rotation of GH joint
      7. Heat
    2. Friction for inferior tendon of Levator scapula
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • depression shoulder
        • Flex neck, opposit side rotation of neck, oppisit side lateral flex of neck
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 anterior glide for tibiofemoral joint
      1. Flex the knee
      2. Stablize the distal side of the tibia
      3. Another hand place on the proximal of the tibia, then push to anterior
      4. gentle pressure. If there is no pain, keep the pressure more until reach joint capsule level for 6 secs
      5. repeat 3 times
    4. Thumb stripping for adductor longus
      1. Get extra consent
      2. Efflerage first, then stripping
  • Prone Position Section IV
    1. Trigger point for Erector Spinae(Thoracic Region)
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistence ; Erector spinae trigger point : T3, T11
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        • Cross hands on back
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Wrist Extensors common tendon
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • Extend elbow and Flex the wrist
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. Fascia for Triceps Brachii
      1. Assess the fascia : skin rolling, fascial gliding, positioning testing(Passive ROM)
      2. heat 5 to 10 mins to warm up
      3. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times
      4. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
        • Flex elbow
      5. Heat again for 5 mins to relax the area
    4. Wringing for Hamstrings
      • Effleurage first then Wringing
  • Side lying Section I (Caution : draping. pillow 1 betwwen the legs, pillow 2 under the neck, pillow 3 hug on the chest)
    1. Trigger point for Triceps brachii
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point by active resistance ; Triceps brachii trigger point
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        • Flex the elbow
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for achilles tendon
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        1. Dorsiflexion
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 Medial glide for hip joint
      1. get an extra consent for undraping on hip
      2. hold knee and another hand push down on below greater trochanter
      3. give pressure until reached joint capsule level for 6 seconds
      4. repeat 3 times
    4. Finger stripping for infraspinatus
      • Effleuage first then finger stripping
  • Side lying Section II
    1. Trigger point for Vastus Lateralis
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the trigger point ( stripping and make sure through isometric action) ; Vastus lateralis trigger point
      3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
      4. Flush
      5. Passive stretching 30 sec
        • Flex the knee, medial rotaion of knee
      6. Heat
    2. Friction for Peroneus Brevis
      1. Heat -> Effluage -> Kneading and stripping and kneading
      2. find out the adhesion area, by active resistance
      3. Get consent about the technique
      4. Remove oil and reassess the lesion
      5. 2 min cross fiber friction, then flush -> repeat 3 times
      6. Passive stretch for 30 sec
        • Plantarflexion and inversion
      7. apply ice for 1-2 min
    3. G2 oscillation Anteiror glide for proximal radioulnar joint
      1. stablize ulnar, then push anterioly the head of radius
      2. Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations  within the ROM, but not reaching the limitation(full AROM). 2-3 cycles per sec
    4. Thumb stripping for suboccipitalis


If you have any discomfor or pain, pleas let me know. you can modify me or stop me. are you understand? I am going to undraping on ________, is it okay? Do you feel secure your undraping? (When undraping on sensitive area : get consent one more)

Joint play : Do you feel pain? // I am going to increase pressure to tissue resistence(joint capsule level). This is grade 2 // I am going to increase pressure more go through tissue resistence(joint capsule level). This is grade 3 // I am going to do osilliation ( )times per second . // you feel okay? // Joint play reduce joint pain and loose up capsular joint and increase joint movement . then second time, and last time. okay. I finished the joint play.

Trigger point : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. could you deep breath in and out. is my pressure is okay? I am going to increase the pressure more. I found taut band here, this is trigger point. I compress the point. How,s the pain scale? Can I increase the pressure? please let me know the pain scale reache to 7. how much pain scale now? can I keep this pressure for 1-2 mins? Please let me know the pain diminished. does the pain goes anywhere? the radiation pain is normal. so, this technique reduce the taut band and pain and muscel tension. how much the pain scale now?(1) okay, very good. And I am goint to remove your toxins for 30 seconds. Are you okay? Let me do stretch your ( ) muscle. before stretch I am going to remove the oil. Relax. I will hold your muscle for 30 sec. This stretching increase muscle flexibility and mobility.

Friction : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. could you deep breath in and out. is my pressure is okay? I am going to increase pressure more. I am going to ask you (isotonic movement), agianst me. I want to consent you about this technique, because it is a little bit painful. is it okay for you? Now, I am going to remove the oil. I want to make sure your adhesion side, against me. okay. I am going to friction technique for 2 mins. is the pain torelable? so, this technique break down the adhesion. and reduce pain . normaly this technique repeat 3 times, but today I will do just one time because of time limit. now, I am flush this area to remove the toxics. and I am going to do stretch. hold for 30 sec.

Sweddish massage : deep breath in and out . My pressure is okay? this technique increase local circulation, and reduce muscle tone and pain.

Fascia : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. I am going to assess your fascia using few technique such as skin rolling, J stroke. during fascia work you feel little heating sensation and discomfort. this is normal, right? If you have too much pain or discomfort, please let me know.I can stop right away. is it okay with you? so Facial work can break down your restriction fascia, increase mobility and reduce myofascial pain.

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