Massage treatment 3

  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome
    1. Treatment
      1. Trigger point : Adductor pollicis
      2. Friction : Flexor retinaculum
      3. Joint play : Wrist joint, G3 posterior glide
  2. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
    1. Treatment
      1. Fascia : Pec area
      2. Trigger point : Pectoralis minor
      3. Joint paly : S/C joint G3 oscillation posterior glide
  3. Piriformis Syndorme
    1. Sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle in the gluteal area
    2. Test
      1. Piriformis length test
      2. Hibb’s test
      3. Pace abduction test
      4. Piriformis and other lateral rotators strengh test
      5. piriformis test
    3. Treatment ( side lying position)
      1. Trigger point : piriformis
      2. Friction on distal tendon of piriformis
      3. PNF : Hold and Relax or PIR on piriformis
      4. G3 posterior glide of hip joint
  4. Long head biceps tendonitis
    1. Long head biceps tendon inflammation due to over use ( flexion of the arm)
    2. Test
      1. Speed’s test
      2. Yergason’s test
    3. Treatment
      1. trigger point : biceps brachii + brachialis
      2. Fascial work : anterior arm(optional)
      3. Friction :long head of biceps bracii in the intertubercular groove
      4. Joint paly : G3 oscillation posteior glide on GH joint
  5. Hyperkyphosis
  6. Hyperlordosis
  7. Plantar fascilitis
    1. Platar fascia inflammation due to over use
    2. Test
      1. Platar fascia tenderness test
    3. Treatment
      1. Trigger point : Soleus
      2. Friction : plantar fascia
      3. G3 oscillation posterior glide : Talocrural joint


If you have any discomfor or pain, pleas let me know. you can modify me or stop me. are you understand? I am going to undraping on ________, is it okay? Do you feel secure your undraping? (When undraping on sensitive area : get consent one more)

Joint play : Do you feel pain? // I am going to increase pressure to tissue resistence(joint capsule level). This is grade 2 // I am going to increase pressure more go through tissue resistence(joint capsule level). This is grade 3 // I am going to do osilliation ( )times per second . // you feel okay? // Joint play reduce joint pain and loose up capsular joint and increase joint movement . then second time, and last time. okay. I finished the joint play.

Trigger point : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. could you deep breath in and out. is my pressure is okay? I am going to increase the pressure more. I found taut band here, this is trigger point. I compress the point. How,s the pain scale? Can I increase the pressure? please let me know the pain scale reache to 7. how much pain scale now? can I keep this pressure for 1-2 mins? Please let me know the pain diminished. does the pain goes anywhere? the radiation pain is normal. so, this technique reduce the taut band and pain and muscel tension. how much the pain scale now?(1) okay, very good. And I am goint to remove your toxins for 30 seconds. Are you okay? Let me do stretch your ( ) muscle. before stretch I am going to remove the oil. Relax. I will hold your muscle for 30 sec. This stretching increase muscle flexibility and mobility.

Friction : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. could you deep breath in and out. is my pressure is okay? I am going to increase pressure more. I am going to ask you (isotonic movement), agianst me. I want to consent you about this technique, because it is a little bit painful. is it okay for you? Now, I am going to remove the oil. I want to make sure your adhesion side, against me. okay. I am going to friction technique for 2 mins. is the pain torelable? so, this technique break down the adhesion. and reduce pain . normaly this technique repeat 3 times, but today I will do just one time because of time limit. now, I am flush this area to remove the toxics. and I am going to do stretch. hold for 30 sec.

Sweddish massage : deep breath in and out . My pressure is okay? this technique increase local circulation, and reduce muscle tone and pain.

Fascia : I am going to warm up your muscle and start with effleurage. I am going to assess your fascia using few technique such as skin rolling, J stroke. during fascia work you feel little heating sensation and discomfort. this is normal, right? If you have too much pain or discomfort, please let me know.I can stop right away. is it okay with you? so Facial work can break down your restriction fascia, increase mobility and reduce myofascial pain.

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