- medial nerve is compressed as it passes through the carpal turnnel in the wrist, usually due to overuse the wrist causing the flexor retinaculum inflammation. The client will feel the wrist pain and tingling numbness into the thumb, index, middle finger and lateral half of ring finger
- Anotomy
- Roof : flexor retinaculums at the wrist
- floor : 8 carpal bones
- 10 sturctures pass thorugh the tunnel : 4 tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis, 4 tendons of the flexor digitorum profunds, 1 tendon of flexor pollicis longus, median nerve
- Symptoms
- The symptoms usually starts gradually and cause discomfort in your wrist and the palm of your hand.
- Numbness or tingling in the hand and arm associated with pain
- Pins and needles sensation
- Hand clumsiness and a tendency to drop things
- Hand pain at night
- Pain with the use of hand
- Weakness in the hand and wrist
- Test : Phalen’s test , Reverse Phalen’s test, Tinel’s sign
- Treatment
- fascial work on anterior side of forearm ( flexor retinaculum)
- release trigger points on wrist flexor
- friction on flexor retinaculum
- joint paly on wrist joint
- stimulating technique(tapotement) on the thenar eminence(except adductor pollicis)
- Home care
- stretch wrist flexors and flexor retinaculum, strength exercise for thenar eminence
- R.39be6e2602fe2d45dd640f98fd2b1141 (900×1160) (bing.com)
[…] Carpal tunnel syndrome […]