Massage techniques 2

You have 15 mins to perform the following treatment unilaterally. no hydrotherapy required. the consent is already obtained.

  • Hyperkyphosis treatment : Supine position
    • Fascial restriction on subclavius
      • Fascial technique
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times (remove oil)
        3. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
          • Push down the GH joint
    • Taut band on pectoralis minor
      • Trigger point therapy
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. find out the trigger point by active resistance ; Pectoralis minor trigger points
        3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        4. Flush
        5. Passive stretching 30 sec
          • Push down the GH joint
    • 30% limitaion of retraction
      • Grade III Posterior glide of S/C Joint (oscillation or sustained)
        1. Push down the calvicle until going through the joint capsule ( full passive ROM)
        2. IF do Oscillation : Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations. 2-3 cycles per second
  • Hyperkyphosis treatment : Supine position
    • Fascial restriction over the pec area
      • Fascial technique
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times (Remove oil)
        3. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
          1. Push down the GH joint
    • Referral pain from SCM
      • Trigger point therapy
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. find out the trigger point by active resistance
        3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        4. Flush
        5. Passive stretching 30 sec
          1. Extend neck, lateral flexion to opposit side, rotate neck same side
  • Hyperkyposis treatment : Prone position
    • Limitation of upper trapezius
      • fascial work
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times (Remove oil)
        3. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
          1. flex neck, lateral flexion of the neck to opposit side, then push down shoulder
    • Taut band on suboccipitalis
      • trigger point therapy
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. find out the trigger point by active resistance ; suboccipitalis trigger point
        3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        4. Flush
        5. Passive stretching 30 sec
          1. Chin down to upper chest, push down the head
    • Shoulder joint has 25% limitation of external rotation
      • GH joint play Anterior G3 joint paly sustained or oscillation
        1. Make open packed position of GH joint : 50 degrees of Abduction with slight Horizontal Adduction and External Rotation.
        2. Hold the humerus, then push down the humerus through the joint capsule ( full passive ROM) –> sustained play
        3. IF do Oscillation : Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations. 2-3 cycles per second
  • Hyperlordosis treatment : Prone position
    • Hypertonicity of QL
      • Facial work and Deep pertrissage
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. Fascial techniques in multiple direction for 90 seconds : repeat 2-3 times (Remove oil)
        3. Passive stretch for 30 seconds
          1. Left hand places last rib, another hand places iliac crest. then push down to iliac crest, pull the left hand toward to me at same time
    • Taut band on Erector Spinae ( lumbar lesion)
      • Trigger point therapy
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. find out the trigger point by active resistance
        3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        4. Flush
        5. Passive stretching 30 sec
          1. Cross hands on the erector spinae
    • L4/L5 has restriction of movement
      • joint play L4/L5 G3 anterior glide
        1. Stablize L4, then push down L5 until going through the joint capsule.
        2. IF do Oscillation : Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations. 2-3 cycles per second
  • Hyperlordosis treatment : side lying position
    • Taut band on rectus femoris
      • Trigger point therapy
        1. get extra consent for private part
        2. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        3. find out the trigger point by active resistance : rectus femoris trigger point
        4. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        5. Flush
        6. Passive stretching 30 sec
          1. hip extension with knee flexion
    • hip joint has limitation movement of extension
      • hip joint joint play Anterior glide G3 sustained
        1. push to anterior the femur until goint through tissue resistence
    • muscle weakness of hamstrings
      • Tapotement
        1. light –> heavy –> light
  • Hyperodorsis treatment : Side lying
    • weak gluteus medius
      • hacking
        1. light –> heavy –> light
    • Taut band on QL
      • Trigger point therapy
        1. Warm up the muscles using effluage and kneading and striping
        2. find out the trigger point by active resistance : QL trigger point
        3. trigger point compression 1-2 min ->ask pain scale and referraled pain
        4. Flush
        5. Passive stretching 30 sec
          1. Cross hands on QL
    • limitation abduction on hip joint
      • Medial glide of hip joint G3 sustained
        1. Push down below greater trochanter of femur until going through tissue resistance
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