Muscles of the foot

  • List of the muscles
  1. Plantar side
    1. Flexor digitorum brevis
    2. Flexor digitorum longus
    3. Abductor hallucis
    4. Adductor hallucis
    5. Flexor hallucis longus
    6. Flexor hallucis brevis
    7. Abductor digiti minimi
    8. flexor digiti minimi brevis
    9. Lumbricals
    10. Quadratus platae
  2. Dorsal side
    1. Extensor digitorum longus
    2. Extensor digitorum brevis
    3. Extensor hallucis longus
    4. Extensor hallucis brevis
    5. Dorsal interossei
  • The extrinsic muscles of the foot originate in the lower leg, whilst the intrinsic muscles are contained within the foot itself.
  • The intrinsic foot muscles act to stabilise the foot and support the arches, as well as to produce fine movement of the toes.
  • The intrinsic foot muscles can be divided into two main groups, plantar and dorsal.
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