- What is it?
- The brachial plexus and it acompanying vessels(axillary artery and vein) are compressed by the surrounding structures cause the neurological sign(pain and tingling, numbness of arm and hand). client feels tingling, numbness and pain form the neck, shoulder and travelling down the arm, elbow and fingres
- Anatomy
- Classification
- Anterior scalene syndrome
- If ther brachial plexus and subclavian artery are compressed in the space between the anterior and middle scalene
- Test
- Adson’s test – caused by anterior scalene
- Travell’s test(reverse Adson’s test) – caused by middle scalene : head away from the affected side
- Allen’s test
- Costoclavicular syndrome
- If the brachial plexus and subclavian artery and vein are compressed in the space between the 1st rib and clavicle
- Cause : bone problem or subclavius
- Test
- costoclavicular syndrome test : therapist does it
- Eden’s test : client does it
- Pectoralis minor syndrome
- If the brachial plexus and axillary artery and vein compressed in the space between the coracoid process and pectoralis minor
- Test
- Tretment
- fascial work on pec area
- release trigger point on pectoralis minor and major
- passive stretch for pec muscles
- joint play on GH joint and SC joint
- home care : stretch for pec muscles
- Anterior scalene syndrome
[…] Thoracic Outlet Syndrome […]
[…] Thoracic Oulet Syndrome […]