Cranial Nerve

1. CN I (Olfactory nerve / sense) : smell
2. CN II (Optic nerve / sense ) : Vision
3. CN III ( Oculomotor nerve / motor) :
–  Eye muscle function : controls all muscles of the eye except for the superior oblique muscle controlled by the trochlear nerve
–  Pupil response: constriction pupil
4. CN IV (Trochlear nerve / motor) : downward, outward and inward eye movement
5. CN V ( Trigeminal nerve / sensory and motor )
– Sensory : skin of the face
– Motor : chewing    – pupil dilatation
6. CN VI ( Abducens nerve / motor ) ; outward eye movement
7. CN VII ( Facial nerve / sensory and motor)
– Sensory : sense of the taste for most tongue
–  Motor : facial expression    – Lacrimation, salvation
8. CN VIII ( Vestibulocochlear nerve / sensory ) ; hearing and balance
9. CN IX ( Glosspharyngeal nerve / sensory and motor) :
– Sensory : oral sensation, taste of the back part of the tongue
– Motor : swallowing, gag reflex     – Salivation, gag reflex
10. CN X (Vagus nerve / sensory and motor)
Swallowing, gag reflex, coughing, heart rate,  peristalsis, sweating (Provide sensory and Parasympathetic supply to structure in the neck and most organs in the chest and abdomen)
11. CN XI ( Accessory nerve / motor) : controls the neck muscles
12. CN XII ( Hypoglossal nerve / motor ) : controls tongue movement

  • Test you knowledge
1.Which of the following cranial nerves crosses the posterior cervical triangle?

Answer is B)

2. client cannot move his eye into any direction however his vision is unaffected. What nerve is not damaged?

Answer is B)

3. Your clients told you that he is unable to sense the taste when he swallows food. Which of the following nerve innervates posterior aspect of the tongue?

Answer is D)

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