Head and Neck Orthopedic test

  1. Circulation test
    1. Vertebral Artery Test : Extension Rotation Test | Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency (VBI) – YouTube
      1. Rotate the head fully to one side
      2. Then, extend the neck and hold for 30 seconds.
      3. Repeat the test on the other side
      4. Positive : dizziness, nausea nystagmus
    2. Hautant’s Test :Video – Hautant’s Test – Chiropractic Online CE
      1. Arms outstretched and forearms supinated
      2. close the eyes
      3. The therapist brings client’s head into full backward bending and rotation to the testing side
      4. Positive : one hand sinks and pronates on the side of testing / numbness, dizness, nausea, nystagmus
  2. Radioculopathy Test
    1. Cervical Compression Test : Video – Axial Cervical Compression Test – Chiropractic Online CE.com
      1. The therapist stands behind client
      2. Gently downward force, with fingers placed on top of the head
      3. Positive
        1. radiating pain, other neurological signs in the affected arm –> cervical nerve root compression
        2. localized neck pain –> facet joint irritation
    2. Spurling’s Test : How to Perform the Spurling’s Test – YouTube
      1. The therapist stands behind client
      2. Extend, side bend and rotate the head to the affected side.
      3. Apply a compression force directed through the cervical spine
      4. Positive
        1. radiating pain, other neurological signs(numbness etc) in the affected arm –> cervical nerve root compression
        2. localized neck pain –> local sprains/strain, joint damage, facet joint irritation
        3. Pain on the opposite side to which the head is bend : cervical sprain/strain ( stretching of damaged tissue)
    3. Cervical Distraction Test : Video – Cervical Distraction Test – Chiropractic Online CE.com
      1. Hold the client’s mastoid processes with the base of the palms
      2. Lift the weight of client’s head straight upward
      3. Positive : pain is relieved
  3. Cranial Nerve test
    1. Jaw reflex : Examination of Trigeminal Nerve – YouTube
      1. To assess Trigeminal Nerve
      2. Procedure : The therapiest places his thumb on the client’s mandible, and then lightly taps the thumb with the pointed end of the reflex hammer
    1. Chvostek test : Chvostek Test – YouTube
      1. To assess facial nerve
      2. Procedure : The therapist taps the parotid gland, whic overlieds the masseter muscle
      3. Positive: Twitching of the facial muscle during tapping the face
  4. Temporomandibular joint test
    1. Temporomandibular Joint, AF ROM test :TM Joint exam – YouTube
      1. Place therapist’s index fingers of both hands just anterior to each of the clients’s external auditory meatus
      2. Asks the client to open and close the mouth slowly and fully
      3. Positive : Clicking. crepitus, asymmetry of motion and pain
    2. Three Knuckle Test
      1. The client is instructed to insert as many of his own flexed proximal interphalangeal joints of hand into the mouth
      2. The functuinal width of madibular opening is 2 or 3 knuckles wide
  5. Muslce test
    1. Sternocleidomastoid
      1. Length test(Streching)
      2. Strength test
    2. Scalene
      1. Length test(Streching)
      2. Strength test
      3. Scalene Cramp test
      4. Scalene Relieve test
    3. Splenius Capitus & Splenius Cervicis

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