- Circulation test
- Vertebral Artery Test : Extension Rotation Test | Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency (VBI) – YouTube
- Rotate the head fully to one side
- Then, extend the neck and hold for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the test on the other side
- Positive : dizziness, nausea nystagmus
- Hautant’s Test :Video – Hautant’s Test – Chiropractic Online CE
- Arms outstretched and forearms supinated
- close the eyes
- The therapist brings client’s head into full backward bending and rotation to the testing side
- Positive : one hand sinks and pronates on the side of testing / numbness, dizness, nausea, nystagmus
- Vertebral Artery Test : Extension Rotation Test | Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency (VBI) – YouTube
- Radioculopathy Test
- Cervical Compression Test : Video – Axial Cervical Compression Test – Chiropractic Online CE.com
- The therapist stands behind client
- Gently downward force, with fingers placed on top of the head
- Positive
- radiating pain, other neurological signs in the affected arm –> cervical nerve root compression
- localized neck pain –> facet joint irritation
- Spurling’s Test : How to Perform the Spurling’s Test – YouTube
- The therapist stands behind client
- Extend, side bend and rotate the head to the affected side.
- Apply a compression force directed through the cervical spine
- Positive
- radiating pain, other neurological signs(numbness etc) in the affected arm –> cervical nerve root compression
- localized neck pain –> local sprains/strain, joint damage, facet joint irritation
- Pain on the opposite side to which the head is bend : cervical sprain/strain ( stretching of damaged tissue)
- Cervical Distraction Test : Video – Cervical Distraction Test – Chiropractic Online CE.com
- Hold the client’s mastoid processes with the base of the palms
- Lift the weight of client’s head straight upward
- Positive : pain is relieved
- Cervical Compression Test : Video – Axial Cervical Compression Test – Chiropractic Online CE.com
- Cranial Nerve test
- Jaw reflex : Examination of Trigeminal Nerve – YouTube
- To assess Trigeminal Nerve
- Procedure : The therapiest places his thumb on the client’s mandible, and then lightly taps the thumb with the pointed end of the reflex hammer
- Chvostek test : Chvostek Test – YouTube
- To assess facial nerve
- Procedure : The therapist taps the parotid gland, whic overlieds the masseter muscle
- Positive: Twitching of the facial muscle during tapping the face
- Jaw reflex : Examination of Trigeminal Nerve – YouTube
- Temporomandibular joint test
- Temporomandibular Joint, AF ROM test :TM Joint exam – YouTube
- Place therapist’s index fingers of both hands just anterior to each of the clients’s external auditory meatus
- Asks the client to open and close the mouth slowly and fully
- Positive : Clicking. crepitus, asymmetry of motion and pain
- Three Knuckle Test
- The client is instructed to insert as many of his own flexed proximal interphalangeal joints of hand into the mouth
- The functuinal width of madibular opening is 2 or 3 knuckles wide
- Temporomandibular Joint, AF ROM test :TM Joint exam – YouTube
- Muslce test
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Length test(Streching)
- Strength test
- Scalene
- Length test(Streching)
- Strength test
- Scalene Cramp test
- Scalene Relieve test
- Splenius Capitus & Splenius Cervicis
- Sternocleidomastoid
Head and Neck Orthopedic test