1. How many are cranial nerves?

Answer is B)
Cranial nerve

2.Cranial nerve I controls the olfactory organs.

Answer is A)
Cranial nerve

3. Which of the following cranial nerve is not related movement of the eyes?

Answer is A)
Cranial nerve

4. Which of the cranial nerve is responsible for both sensory and motor?

Answer is C)
Pure sensory nerve : cranial nerve I, II / pure motor nerve : Cranial nerve III, IV, VI, XI, XII / mixed sensory and motor : Cranial nerve V, VII, IX, X

5. Dermatomes are a muscle group supplied by a spinal nerve.

Answer is B)
Dermatomes are an area of skin supplied be a spinal nerve / Myotome are a muscle group supplied by a spinal nerve

6.Myotome are muscle group supplied by cranial nerve

Answer is B)
By spinal nerve

7. What is the DTR test for S1?

Answer is C)

8. Myotomes are assessed by __________.

Answer is C)
Myotomes are assessed by resisted contraction of muscle looking at strength.

9. which area is Dermatome C5?

Answer is A)
Dermatomes map

10.Check and compare lateral side of forearm and thumb bilaterally.

Answer is B)
Dermatomes map

11. Check and compare the middle finger bilaterally.

Answer is C)
Dermatomes map

12. How do you test C3 Myotomes?

Answer is B)

13. ____ of Myotomes testing – elbow extension or wrist flexion against resistance

    Answer is B)

    14.Jaw Reflex is a test for which nerve?

    Answer is A)

    15. Which of the following DTR test is for C5?

    Answer is B)
    DTR testing

    16. What is the meaning of the Muscle strength grading 3 ?

    Answer is B)
    Muscle Strength Grade

    17. What nerve is involved in the DTR patella?

    Answer is C)
    DTR testing

    18. Which testing shows the reflex of S1?

    Answer is B)

    19. Which of the following statement is correct about Myotomes of lower limb?

    Answer is B)

    20. Muscle strength grade is determined by 3 factors :

    Answer is B)
    Muscle Strength Grade