
  • 6 groups of essential nutrients
    • Carbohydrates
    • Fat and oil
    • Proteins
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
    • Water
  • Macronutrients
    1. Carbohydrates
      1. Role : Primary source of fuel for the body, especially for the brain(nerve cells) and during exercise
      2. Energy : 4kcal/gram
      3. Sources : grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes
      4. Classification
        1. Simple carbohydrates
          1. Monosaccharides : Glucose, Fructose, Galactose
          2. Dissaccharides : Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose
        2. Complex carbohydrates
          1. Starch : storage form of glucose in plants
          2. Glycogen : storage form of glucose in animals
          3. Fibre : benefic
      5. RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance) : 45%-65%
    2. Fat and oil
      1. Composed of lipids
      2. Role
        • Important energy source during resting or low-intensity exercise
        • It is required for fat-soluble vitamines transporting
        • Cell membrane structure
        • Nerve cell transmission
        • Protenction of internal organs
        • Insulation to retain body heat
      3. Energy : 9kcal/gram
      4. Sources : Butter, Magarine, Vegetable oils
      5. Classification of lipid
        1. Triglycerides
          1. Saturated fat
            • Solid form at room temperature
            • Coconut oil, animal fats, butter, lard
          2. Unsaturated fat
            • Liquid form at room temperature, Healty fat
            • Vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, seeds
          3. Trans fat
            • The worst type of fat. They are produced by manipulating the fatty acid during food processing.
            • Cakes, buscuits, frozen pizza
        2. Phospholipids
          1. Manucactured in our body, not required in our diet
          2. Important components of cell membrane
        3. Sterols
          1. Essential components of cell membranes and hormons
          2. Manucactured in our body, not required in our diet
          3. Cholesterol is the major sterol found in the body
            • LDL(low density lipoprotein) : bad cholesterol
            • HDL(high density lipoprotein) : good cholesterol
      6. RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance) : 20%-35%
    3. Protein
      1. Chains of amino acids
      2. Energy : 4kcal/gram
      3. Role
        • Important source of nitrogen (primary source of nigrogen)
        • Cell growth, repair and maintenance
        • Maintaining bones
        • Enzymes, Hormons(insuline)
        • Regualtion metabolism
        • Fluid balance, Ph balance, electrolyte balance
        • Antibodies to protect against disease
      4. Sources : meats, diary products, seeds, nuts and legumes
      5. Classification
        1. Essential amino acids
          1. Can not be produced by our bodies
          2. Must be obtained from food
        2. Non-essential amino acids
          1. Can be made by our bodies
      6. RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance) : 10%-35%
      7. Protein-Energy Malnutrition
        1. Marasmus : Deficiency of both proteins and calories.
        2. Kwashiorkor : Deficiency of proteins
  • Micronutrients
    1. Vitamins
      1. organic molecules that assist in regulating body processes, Do NOT supply energy to our bodies
      2. Classification
        1. Fat-soluble vitamins : Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body —> toxicity can occur
          1. Vit A
            • Retinol/beta carotene
            • Function : Vision/ Immune system maintenance
            • Sources : Liver, milk, orange, leafy vegetable, yellow vegetables
            • Deficiency : Night blindness, infection increase, Xerophthalmia
          2. Vit D
            • Cholecalciferol
            • Can be synthesized by the body by exposure to UV light from the sun
            • Function : mineral metabolism, Regulates blood calcium levels, Necessary for calcification of bone
            • Sources : sun, fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms
            • Deficiency : Weak and brittle bones; bone pain; muscle weakness, Rickets, Osteomalacia
          3. Vit E
            • Function : Antioxidant
            • Sources : fruit, veg, nuts and seeds
          4. Vit K
            • Function : Synthesis of blood coaguation factor, Healthful intestinal bacteria produce some vitamin K
            • Sources : Egg york, liver, leafy veg
            • Deficiency : Reduced blood clotting, excessive bleeding, Occurs with diseases that limit absorption of fat in the small intestine
        2. Water-soluble vitamins : Excess water-soluble vitamins are eliminated by the kidneys and cannot be stored in our bodies
          1. Vit B1
            • Thiamine
            • Function : Coenzyme for metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids
            • Sources : whole grains, pork, potatoes, liver, eggs
            • Deficiency: Beriberi (muscle wasting and nerve damage, and heart failure)
          2. Vit B2
            • Roboflavin
            • Function : Part of the antioxidant enzyme
            • Sources : Diary products, banana
            • Deficiency : Ariboflavinosis:riboflavin(sore throat and swollen mucous membranes)
          3. Vit B3
            • Niacin
            • Function : Coenzyme assists with the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids
            • Sources : meat, fish, poultry, enriched bread products, and yeast
            • Deficiency : Pellagra (4 Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death)
          4. Vit B6
            • Pyridoxine
            • Sources : enriched cereals, meat, fish, poultry, starchy vegetables
            • Deficiency : anemia, elevated levels of homocysteine
          5. Vit B9
            • Folic acid / Folate
            • Function : Involved in DNA synthesis, amino acid metabolism, red blood cell synthesis, Critical for cell division of very early embryos
            • Sources: ready-to-eat cereals, enriched bread products, orange juice, and leafy green vegetables
            • Deficiency : macrocytic anemia. It is required for cell division and proper formation of the neural tube for fetus during pregnancy(first 4 weeks)
          6. Vit B12
            1. Cobalamin
            2. Function : Part of coenzymes for blood formation, Required for nerve functioning, Required for homocysteine breakdown
            3. Sources : Found only in animal-based foods,Poultry, Fish, eggs, Milk
            4. Deficiency : anemia, pernicious anemia
          7. Vit C
            • Ascorbic acid
            • must be consumed in the human diet
            • Function : Antioxidant, Synthesis of collagen, Enhances the immune system, Enhances the absorption of iron
            • Sources : Citrus fruits; peppers; guava; kale; broccoli; tomatoes; peas
            • Defeciency : Scurvy, Bleeding gums, infection, dry hair and skin, anemia
    2. Minerals
      1. inorganic substances required for body processesImportant minerals include
      2. Role
        1. fluid regulation
        2. bone structure
        3. muscle movemen
        4. nerve functioning
      3. Classfication
        1. Major
          1. Calcium
            • Functions : Forms and maintains bonesand teeth, Assists with acid–base balance, Transmission of nerve impulses, Assists in muscle contraction
            • sources : Milk, low-fat cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables
          2. Phosphorus
          3. Magnesium
            1. Deficiency : muscle cramps, spasms
          4. Potassuim
          5. Sodium
          6. Chlroride
        2. Trace
          1. Iron
            • A component of the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in erythrocyte
            • Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world
            • Sources : meat, poultry, fish, clams, oysters, enriched cereals and bread
            • Deficiency : Iron deficiency anemia
          2. Zinc
          3. Copper
          4. Iodine
            • Critical for the synthesis of thyroid hormones
            • Sources: saltwater fish, shrimp, iodized salt, milk and dairy product
            • Excess iodine : goitre
            • Iodine deficiency : hypothyroidism, Cretinism( mental impairment from iodine deficiency during embryonicdevelopment)
          5. Fluoride
            • 99% of the body’s fluoride is stored in teethand bones
            • make tooth enamel stronger
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