1. Anatomy
A. Origin : Sternal head / Clavicula head
B. Insertion : Lateral surface of mastoid process of the temporal bone, Lateral half of superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
C. Action : Bilateral – flexion the neck // Unilateral : flex the same side head laterally. Rotate to the opposit side.
D. Innervation : Accessory nerve (CN XI), branches of cervical plexus (C2-C3)
2. Sternocleidomastoid Length Test(=Stretching)
A. Procedure : Slight flexion of the head -> contralateral flxion of the neck -> ipsilateral rotation of the neck -> positive sign is reduced movement when compared to the “unaffected side”
B. Video : SCM Length Test/Stretch – YouTube
3. Sternocleidomastoid Strength Test
A. Procedure : ipsilaterally flexion -> contralateral rotation -> Place other hand on tested side shoulder, then push down towrads the table top -> client is trying to resist depression of the shoulder -> compare bilaterally
4. Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points
[…] Sternocleidomastoid […]