- Anterior pelvic tilt
Anterior pelvic tilt —> increase lumbar lordosis ——> anterior pelvic tilt ——> internal rotation of femur —-> Knee valgus —-> pes planus —–> knee valgus ——> internal roation of femur
The current “norms” are between approximately 4 and 7 degrees of anterior rotation in males; 7 and 10 degrees in females.
- Muscles changes due to Anterior pelvic tilt
- QL tight
- Hip flexor(iliopsoas) tight ( due to internal rotation of femur)
- Rectus femoris tight
- Sartorius tight
- IT band and TFL tight
- Erector spinae tight
- Gluteus weak
- Hamstrings weak
- Lateral rotators weak
- Abdominals weak
- Muslces changes due to Posteiror pelvic tilt
- Hamstrings tight
- Gluteus tight
- Abdominals tight
- Lateral pelvic tilt
- the side of hip drop
- tight gluteal muscles
- Tight hamstrings
- Tight IT band
- Weak adductors
- The side of hip hike
- Tight QL
- Tight psoas
- Tight adductors
- Weak hamstrings
- Weak IT band
- Position of the pelvis. Lombosacral jonction – YouTube
- the side of hip drop
[…] anterior pelvic tilt, sacroiliac joint hypermobility […]
[…] is an increase in the normal lumbar lordotic curve with increased anterior pelvic tilt and hip […]