- Anatomy of ankle
- Test
- Anterior Drawer test
- To assess anterior talofibular ligament / Tearing of anterior talofibular ligament
- Excessive motion or pain
- Talar tilt
- To assess calcaneofibular ligament / calcaneofibular sprain or tear
- Excessive motion or pain
- Deltoid ligament stress test
- To assess deltoid ligament / sprain or tear of deltoid ligament
- pain or excesseve motion
- Thompson test
- To assess Achilles tendon / Achilles strain or tear
- lack of plantarflexion observed
- Feiss line test
- To assess arch of the foot / pes planus
- the navicular falls lower than it was when seated
- Homan’s test
- To assess deep vein thrombosis of leg / DVT
- pain and swelling in the calf
- Tinel’s sign
- To assess posterior tibial nerve / neuromaor irritation of posterior tibial nerve
- tingling or paraesthesia felt distally
- Plantar fascia tenderness test
- To assess plantar fascia / plantar fascilitis
- tenderness
- Morton’s Neuroma test
- To assess the fibular nerve
- pain produced
- Anterior Drawer test