Head, Neck(cervical spine) and Face – Bones

  1. Cranial bones(8)
    1. Ethmoid
    2. Frontal
    3. Occiput
      1. External Occipiatl Protuberance(EOP)
      2. Superior nuchal lines
    4. Parietal(2)
    5. Sphenoid
    6. Temporal(2)
      1. Mastoid process
      2. Zygomatic arch
      3. Styloid process
  2. Facial bones(14)
    1. Inferior nasal concha (2)
    2. Lacrimal(2)
    3. Mandible
      1. Body
      2. Base
      3. Angle
      4. Coronoid process
      5. Condyle
    4. Maxilla(2)
    5. Nasal(2)
    6. Palatine(2)
    7. Vomer
    8. Zygomatic(2)
  3. Neck
    1. Hyoid bone
  4. Cervical spine(c1 to c7)
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