Ligament, Nerve, Vessels of foot

  • Ligament
  1. Deltoid ligament
    1. Posterior tibiotalar ligament
    2. Tibiocalcaneal ligament
    3. Tibionavicular ligament
    4. Anterior tibiotalar ligament
    5. Image : Pictures-of-ankle-joint-deltoid-ligament-279.jpg (1300×903) (
  2. Plantar Calcaneonavicular(spring) ligament
    1. It plays an important role in stablizing the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.
    2. Image : Plantar-Calcaneonavicular-Ligament.jpg (1250×682) (
  3. Lateral Collateral Ligament
    1. Posterior talofibular ligament
    2. Anterior talofibular ligamnet
    3. Calcaneofibular ligament
    4. Image : Lateral_Ankle_Sprain_Treatment_Rehab_3.png (645×441) (
  • Nerve
  1. All of the muscles are innervated by branches of the tibial nerve (nerve roots S1-3), except extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis which is innervated by the deep fibular nerve.
  • Other structure
  1. Retinaculum
    1. Superior extensor retinaculum : 3f0929de2cb7283e1c9159f753f6e42a.jpg (1250×811) (
    2. Inferior extensor retinaculum
    3. Superior fibular retinaculum : 4002249837265fe94e2ba11a66d61d28.jpg (638×479) (
    4. Inferior fibular retinaculum
    5. Flexor retinaculum: latest (724×496) (
  2. Plantar aponeurosis
    1. image : plantar-aponeurosis-l.jpg (1024×768) (
  3. Artery
    1. Vascular supply is derived from branches of the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries.
    2. Posterior Tibial artery : 51195f184f26d18746f898a8acc86596.jpg (1920×1080) (
      1. It extends from the popliteal artery
      2. Pulse can be felt just inferior and posterior to the medial malleolus
    3. Dorsalils Pedis Artery
      1. Located between the first and second metatarsal bones
  4. Bursae
    1. 73fc3dff-4fc7-4a9f-9e7b-186b6615107a.jpg (476×207) (

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