- Acromion
- Location
- It is located top of the shoulder.
- Place finger on inferior angle of the Scapula
- Then follow superior to the infraspinous fossa until reach the spine of the scapula
- Ten follow the spine laterally until reached end of the spine. That area is the acromion of the scapula
- Attached muscles :
- Deltoid
- Trapezius
- Position for palpation
- Hands on back to find inferior angle of the scapula
- Feel the moving when shoulder abouct/adduct
- Video
- Location
- External Occipital Protuberance
- Location
- It is located posterior of the skull.
- Place finger on C7
- Move to superiorly follow the line of the spine, then you can reach big hump.
- Attached muscles
- Upper trapezius
- Position for palpation
- Feel when neck extend/flex
- Video
- Location
- Transverse process of C1
- Location
- It is located bwtween ear lobe and mastoid process and little bit anterior of the SCM muscle.
- Place finger on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
- Slide slightly inferior and anterior from the mastoid process of the temporal bone. /between ear lobe and mastoid process /little bit anterior of the SCM muscle
- Attached muscle
- Levator Scapula
- Position for palpation
- Feel when neck rotated
- Video
- Location
- Costotransverse Joint of T7
- Location
- It is located on the line of the inferior angle of the scapula
- Place both fingers on the inferior angle of the scapula
- Move both fingers medially to the vertebral column
- Fingers meet the center, that is hump which is the T7 spinous process
- finger move to laterally and superiorly along the lamina groove, then it can be found the tip which is transvers process.
- Attached bone
- Rib
- Postion for palpation
- Both arm on the back to find the inferior angle of the scapula
- Feel when Deep breathing
- Location
- Coracoid process
- Location
- Place finger on the clavicle
- Move to laterally along the clavicle
- Move to inferioly 1-2 inch
- Attache muscles
- Pectorals minor
- Coracobrachialis
- Short head of the biceps brachii
- Position for palpation
- Feel when shoulder up and down
- Feel when protract the shoulder
- Video
- Location
- Olecranon process
- Location
- It is the triangle shape which is located on the most proxiaml of the ulna bone, between the lateral epicondyle and medial epicondyle of humerus
- Place finger on the lateral epicondyle
- Move to medially, you can feel big hump
- Attache muscles
- Triceps brachii
- Postion for palpation
- Feel when elbow flexed/extended
- Location
- Head of radius
- Location
- It is located elbow and the most proximal of the radius.
- Place finger on the lateral epicondyle
- Then move to inferiorly from lateral epicondyle
- across small ditch between the humerus and radius
- Attached muscles
- Postion for palpation
- Feel when elbow flexed/extended
- Video
- Location
- Pisiform
- Location
- It is one of the carpal bone which is located pinkie side of the palmar
- Place finger on the flexor crease.
- Then slide over to the pinkie side
- Attached muscle
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Abductor digiti minimi
- Location
- Hook of hamate
- Location
- It is one of the carpal bone which is located on the palmar side
- Place finger on the Pisiform
- Draw imaginary line from the pisiform to the base of the index finger.
- Move diatally around half inch.
- Attached muscles
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Flexor digit Minimi Bevis
- Opponent digit minimi
- Position for palpation
- Feel when wrist flexd/exteded
- Location
- Apex of patella
- Location
- It is knee cap and located on the knee.
- Place finger on the tibial tuberosity.
- Move to the superiorly, then found soft area which is space between tibia and patella
- Continue move to superiorly a little bit
- Attached muscles
- Position for palpation
- Feel when knee flexed/extended
- Video
- Location
- Greater trochanter
- Location
- It is the proximal of the femur, located lateral side of the thigh.
- Place finger on top of the point of the iliac crest
- Move inferiorly four to six inches along the lateral side of the thigh until reach the big superficial hump.
- Attached muscles
- Gluteus mediums
- Glutes minimums
- Lateral rotators of the hip
- Position for palpation
- Video
- Location
- Head of fibula
- Location
- It is located on the lateral side of the leg.
- Place finger on the tibia tuberosity
- Slide fingers laterally three to four inches
- Attached muscles
- Biceps femoris
- Position for palpation
- Knee flexion and extension
- Location
- Talus
- Location
- It makes up the lower part of the ankle joint.
- Place both fingers on medial and lateral malleoi
- Then follow inferiorly into the ankle joint, then follow anteriorly, and this hump is talus.
- Attached bone
- Position for palpation
- Video
- Location
- Navicular tubercle
- Location
- It is located medial side of the foot.
- Place finger on the base of first metatarsal
- Sliding along the foot’s medial side, move proximally.
- Attache muscles
- Position for palpation
- Video
- Location
- Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
- Location
- It is located on the lateral side of the foot
- Place finger on the 5th metatarsal bone, follow the shaft proximally to where the base bulges laterally.
- Attached muscles
- Fibularis Brevis
- Position for palpatiion
- Location
- Pes Anserious tendon
- Location
- It is located around knee.
- Place finger on the tibia tuberosity
- Move to medially -> Region that between condyle of the tibia and tibia shaft is called pes anserious tendon. / Locate tibia tuberosity -> move to medially -> inferior of the epicondyle of the tibia
- Attached muscles(tendons)
- Sartorius
- Gracillis
- Semiteninosus
- Position for palpation
- Video
- Location
- Ischial tuberosity
- Location
- It is one of the hip bone, and called sit bone. It is located of the posteior of the client
- the most inferior aspect of the pelvis at the level of the gluteal fold.
- Attached muscles
- Hamstrings
- Adductor Magnus
- Location
- Styloid process of radius
- Location
- It is the most distal of the radius
- Place finger on the shaft of radius on the lateral side of the arm.
- Move to distally until reached sharp hump which is end of the radius
- Attached muscles
- branchioradialis
- Location
- Superior nuchal line
- Location
- It is located baseline of the occipital bone.
- Place both finger at EOP. Fingers move laterally until disappear the ditch. The line called superior nuchal line.
- Attached muscles
- Upper trapezius
- Position for palation
- Feel when neck flexed/extended
- Location
- Manubrium
- Location
- It is Sternum bone.
- Place finger on the Clavicle
- Move to medially , then meet juggler notch.
- Move finger inferiorly until sternal angle.
- Between juggler notch and sternal angle, that is manubrium
- Location
- Spine of scapula
- Greater tubercle of humerus
- Suprasternal notch
- Styloid process of ulna
- Styloid process of radius
- Mastoid process of the temporal bone
- Zygomatic arch of the temporal bone
- Groove for ulnar nerve
Useful web link : Surface Palpation Guide (vhdissector.com)