Palpation of the bony landmark

  1. Acromion
    1. Location
      1. It is located top of the shoulder.
      2. Place finger on inferior angle of the Scapula
      3. Then follow superior to the infraspinous fossa until reach the spine of the scapula
      4. Ten follow the spine laterally until reached end of the spine. That area is the acromion of the scapula
    2. Attached muscles :
      1. Deltoid
      2. Trapezius
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Hands on back to find inferior angle of the scapula
      2. Feel the moving when shoulder abouct/adduct
    4. Video
      1. Palpation of Bony Landmarks on Scapula  
  2. External Occipital Protuberance
    1. Location
      1. It is located posterior of the skull.
      2. Place finger on C7
      3. Move to superiorly follow the line of the spine, then you can reach big hump.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Upper trapezius
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Feel when neck extend/flex
    4. Video
      1. External occipital protuberance
  3. Transverse process of C1
    1. Location
      1. It is located bwtween ear lobe and mastoid process and little bit anterior of the SCM muscle.
      2. Place finger on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
      3. Slide slightly inferior and anterior from the mastoid process of the temporal bone. /between ear lobe and mastoid process /little bit anterior of the SCM muscle
    2. Attached muscle
      1. Levator Scapula
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Feel when neck rotated
    4. Video
      1. C1 Transverse process palpation  
  4. Costotransverse Joint of T7
    1. Location
      1. It is located on the line of the inferior angle of the scapula
      2. Place both fingers on the inferior angle of the scapula
      3. Move both fingers medially to the vertebral column
      4. Fingers meet the center, that is hump which is the T7 spinous process
      5. finger move to laterally and superiorly along the lamina groove, then it can be found the tip which is transvers process.
    2. Attached bone
      1. Rib
    3. Postion for palpation
      1. Both arm on the back to find the inferior angle of the scapula
      2. Feel when Deep breathing
    1. Video
  5. Coracoid process
    1. Location
      1. Place finger on the clavicle
      2. Move to laterally along the clavicle
      3. Move to inferioly 1-2 inch
    2. Attache muscles
      1. Pectorals minor
      2. Coracobrachialis
      3. Short head of the biceps brachii
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Feel when shoulder up and down
      2. Feel when protract the shoulder
    4. Video
  6. Olecranon process
    1. Location
      1. It is the triangle shape which is located on the most proxiaml of the ulna bone, between the lateral epicondyle and medial epicondyle of humerus
      2. Place finger on the lateral epicondyle
      3. Move to medially, you can feel big hump
    2. Attache muscles
      1. Triceps brachii
    3. Postion for palpation
      1. Feel when elbow flexed/extended
  7. Head of radius
    1. Location
      1. It is located elbow and the most proximal of the radius.
      2. Place finger on the lateral epicondyle
      3. Then move to inferiorly from lateral epicondyle
      4. across small ditch between the humerus and radius  
    2. Attached muscles
    3. Postion for palpation
      1. Feel when elbow flexed/extended
    4. Video
  8. Pisiform
    1. Location
      1. It is one of the carpal bone which is located pinkie side of the palmar
      2. Place finger on the flexor crease.
      3. Then slide over to the pinkie side
    2. Attached muscle
      1. Flexor carpi ulnaris
      2. Abductor digiti minimi
  9. Hook of hamate
    1. Location
      1. It is one of the carpal bone which is located on the palmar side
      2. Place finger on the Pisiform
      3. Draw imaginary line from the pisiform to the base of the index finger.
      4. Move diatally around half inch.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Flexor carpi ulnaris
      2. Flexor digit Minimi Bevis
      3. Opponent digit minimi
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Feel when wrist flexd/exteded
  10. Apex of patella
    1. Location
      1. It is knee cap and located on the knee.
      2. Place finger on the tibial tuberosity.
      3. Move to the superiorly, then found soft area which is space between tibia and patella
      4. Continue move to superiorly a little bit
    2. Attached muscles
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Feel when knee flexed/extended
    4. Video
  11. Greater trochanter
    1. Location
      1. It is the proximal of the femur, located lateral side of the thigh.
      2. Place finger on top of the point of the iliac crest
      3. Move inferiorly four to six inches along the lateral side of the thigh until reach the big superficial hump.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Gluteus mediums
      2. Glutes minimums
      3. Lateral rotators of the hip
    3. Position for palpation
    4. Video
  12. Head of fibula
    1. Location
      1. It is located on the lateral side of the leg.
      2. Place finger on the tibia tuberosity
      3. Slide fingers laterally three to four inches
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Biceps femoris
    3. Position for palpation
      1. Knee flexion and extension
  13. Talus
    1. Location
      1. It makes up the lower part of the ankle joint.
      2. Place both fingers on medial and lateral malleoi
      3. Then follow inferiorly into the ankle joint, then follow anteriorly, and this hump is talus.
    2. Attached bone
    3. Position for palpation
    4. Video
  14. Navicular tubercle
    1. Location
      1. It is located medial side of the foot.
      2. Place finger on the base of first metatarsal
      3. Sliding along the foot’s medial side, move proximally.
    2. Attache muscles
    3. Position for palpation
    4. Video
  15. Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
    1. Location
      1. It is located on the lateral side of the foot
      2. Place finger on the 5th metatarsal bone, follow the shaft proximally to where the base bulges laterally.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Fibularis Brevis
    3. Position for palpatiion
  16. Pes Anserious tendon
    1. Location
      1. It is located around knee.
      2. Place finger on the tibia tuberosity 
      3. Move to medially -> Region that between condyle of the tibia and tibia shaft is called pes anserious tendon. / Locate tibia tuberosity -> move to medially -> inferior of the epicondyle of the tibia
    2. Attached muscles(tendons)
      1. Sartorius
      2. Gracillis
      3. Semiteninosus
    3. Position for palpation
    4. Video
  17. Ischial tuberosity
    1. Location
      1. It is one of the hip bone, and called sit bone. It is located of the posteior of the client
      2. the most inferior aspect of the pelvis at the level of the gluteal fold.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Hamstrings
      2. Adductor Magnus
  18. Styloid process of radius
    1. Location
      1. It is the most distal of the radius
      2. Place finger on the shaft of radius on the lateral side of the arm.
      3. Move to distally until reached sharp hump which is end of the radius
    2. Attached muscles
      1. branchioradialis
  19. Superior nuchal line
    1. Location
      1. It is located baseline of the occipital bone.
      2. Place both finger at EOP. Fingers move laterally until disappear the ditch.  The line called superior nuchal line.
    2. Attached muscles
      1. Upper trapezius
    3. Position for palation
      1. Feel when neck flexed/extended
  20. Manubrium
    1. Location
      1. It is Sternum bone.
      2. Place finger on the Clavicle
      3. Move to medially , then meet juggler notch.
      4. Move finger inferiorly until sternal angle.
      5. Between juggler notch and sternal angle, that is manubrium
  21. Spine of scapula
  22. Greater tubercle of humerus
  23. Suprasternal notch
  24. Styloid process of ulna
  25. Styloid process of radius
  26. Mastoid process of the temporal bone
  27. Zygomatic arch of the temporal bone
  28. Groove for ulnar nerve
  29. ASIS
  30. AIIS
  31. PSIS

Useful web link : Surface Palpation Guide (

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