- What is it?
- It is an acceleration-deceleration injury to the head and neck.
- Affected structures
- Strain : suboccipitals, rotatores, multifidi, semispinalis cervicis, longissimus cervicis, upper trap, levator scapulae, rectus capitis, longus capitis, longus colli, SCM, mylohyoid, omohyoid, supra and infrahyoids and platysma, scalene
- Sprain
- Facet joint irritation
- Cervical herniated disc
- Treatment plan
- Acute
- Hydrotherapy : cold
- Nodal pumping on just superior to the clavicle, lateral to the SCM, then at the proximal lymphnodes in the neck and axilla
- Proximal MLD, no distal
- Just to reduce the spasm, not remove it.
- I&O, PNF(isometric agonist contraction)
- Contraindication
- on-side work
- Early subacute
- Hydrotherapy : cold/warm
- Perform proximal to the injured tissues to prevent congestion through the injury
- GTO, I&O
- PNF(agonist contraction)
- SCM, scalenes, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, posteior cervical muscles
- Trigger points
- Swedish massage : On-site work
- Grade 1 : thumb and fingertip kneading with pain tolerance
- Grade 2 and higher : just light stroking and vibration with pain tolerance
- PR ROM : pain free, mid range
- stretch injured muscles are introduced last
- Late subacute
- Hydrotherapy : cold/hot. if acute inflammation recurs —> cold
- MLD : little, since the edema diminishes in this stage
- Trigger points on hypertonicity muscles
- Posteior muscles : upper trapezius, levator scapulae, splenius cervicis and capitis, semispinalis capitis, suboccipitals, cervical multifidi and rotators, middle and lower trapezius, rhomnoids, latissimus dorsi, thoracic erector spinae
- Anterior muscles : SCM, scalenes, infra and suprahyoid muscles, mylohyoids, omohyoid, pectoralis, subclavius, rotator cuff muscles, intercostals and the diaphram
- Friction on hypertonicity muscles
- PNF on hypertonicity muscles
- Suboccipitals
- longus colli : isometric agoinist contraction
- Passive stretch
- no overstretching, especially the larger posterior cervical muscles, since these muscles need to be strong to balance the tight, shourt SCM muscles and prevent head-forward posture
- mid to full PR RO
- Chronic
- Hydrotherapy : deep moist heat(hydrocollator, or wax)
- Trigger points, friction, passive stretch, ROM(PR ROM)
- Joint play
- Acute
- Remedial exercise & Self-care
- Acute and early subacute :
- AF ROM of the neck to the onset of pain only
- Late subacute
- Strengthening
- Submaximal isometric pain-free AR exercise for the posterior cervical muscles
- Some anterior neck muscle strengthening is avoided at this time
- Gentle stretching on tight muslces(ex, SCM, pectoralis) to the onset of pain only, not full stretchin
- Chronic
- Strengthening
- Isotonic AR exercise for the posterior and lateral neck muscles.
- If the posterior cervical muscles are stronger, then start isometric exercise of anterior neck muscles(SCM and hyoids)
- Stretch
- Suboccipitals : chin tuck exercise —> not to continue this exercise for more than 6 weeks, since cervical lordosis is flattened through the action)
- Stretch for Scalenes and uppe trapezius
- Avoid prolonged stretching of the larger posteior muscles by pulling the head into flexion
- Strengthening
- Acute and early subacute :